Witty Profiles

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1. What is your best friends name? Grace
2. What colour are your underwear/boxers? White
3. What are you listening to right now? Nothing
4. What's your favortie number? 7
5. What was the last thing you ate? Donut
6. If you were a crayon what colour would you be? Yellow
7. How is the weather right now? Cold
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Grandma
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite gender? Funnyness XD
10. Do you have a significant other? Don't have one don't want one :)
11. Favorite TV show? Four Weddings
12. Siblings? Nope
13. Hieght? Like 4'9 or 4'10 XD
14. Hair colour? Blonde
15. Eye colour? Green blue
16. Do you wear contacts? No
17. Favorite Holiday? Christmas
18. Month? December
19. Have you ever cried for no reason? Idk and idc
20. Last movie watched? Hotel Transylvania
21. Favorite day of the year? December 25th
22. Are you to shy to ask someone out? I don't want a boyfriend! :(
23. Can you do a headstand NOT using a wall? Rofl no XD
24. Describe the last hug you had from the person you like: Idk
25. Describe the kiss you want at the moment: No kisses wanted!
26: Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
27. Do you want friends to respond to this Q and A? Idc
28. Who do you want a text from? I'm not paying for my cell bill so I don't got texting currently O_o
29. What books are you reading? alot
30. Piercings? 0
31. Favorite movies? The Last Song
32. Top 2 favortie football teams? NO SPORTS FOR ME!
33. What are you doing right now?
34. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn? Butter
35. Dogs or cats? CATS!!!!
36. Favorite flower? Ladyslipper
37. Have any words carved onto you from self-injury? Nope o_o
38. Have you ever given up on someone? I don't know what this is supposed to mean XD
39. Ever get caught doing something you werent suppose to do? Yes
40. Best friend of oppsoite gender? Don't have one
41. Ever love someone? Does mum and dad count?
42. Who would you like to see right now? My beautiful cousin!
43. Still friends with someone since kindergarten? No
44. Ever fire a gun? No O_O
45. Do you like planes? Yeah
46. Right or left handed? Right
47. How many pillows do you sleep with? One
48. Are you missing anyone? Nope
49. Do you have a tatoo? Nope
50. Anyone on the internet you would date? Never!!! XD
51. Any plans for suicide? No, I WOULD NEVER!
52. Something you find annoying? A couple kids in my class
53. People take advantage of you? I do not get this question
54. Do you honestly like your friends? Yes
55. Do you take medication? No
56. Any mental disorders? No
57. Depression? No
58. Do you like cupcakes? YES!! XD
59. Does the person you like do drugs? I don't like anyone.
60. If someone offered to do drugs with them would you accept? Never
61. Are you tired? Nope
62. Is suicide the answer? Is it weak? Cowardly? A mistake? I hate the idea of it
63. Are you disapointed in yourself? No
64.Do you like winter? Yeesss! Fave season :)
65. Do you like kissing? ewwno.
66. Where is place you like to go by yourself? I don't like to be alone D:
67. What are you thinking about at this exact moment? snowflakes
68. How did you officialize that you liked the person you like? Don't like anyone.
69. How about ending on a pleasant number ;]? No, just NO.
Next Quote >

Honestly. 1. What is your best friends name? Grace 2. What colour

0 faves · Dec 9, 2012 1:33pm




