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I have a question, kinda

okay, so lemme tell you about this whole ordeal thingy

so there's this kid that i liked last year. he was in one of my classes and i sat behind him the whole year. i asked him to turnabout and we were going to go together but then he couldn't go because his parents are divorced and that was the only weekend in forever that he would have been able to see his dad so ya know, no big deal. 

so that was in like, february, and i wanna sayyyy in like march maybe he texted me and asked me if i liked him because some people had said i did. and i don't like to play games so i said yeah lawlz. he told me he didn't like me like that but he liked me as a friend. #friendzoned lol jk but basically.

so we were still friends, it wasn't too awkward lol. sooo over the summer, we'd occassionally text but never hung out or anything. we eventually stopped texting so much. blah. then we started texting a LOT more in late september. we actually made plans to hang out and we went to see paranormal activity about a month ago. it was fun, he's a really good guy. we just met there so i paid for my ticket (NOT that I expected him to pay for mine, lol, but some people asked when i told this story so there, now you know) but he did pay for my drink. 

i'm not saying i still like him or anything, because we only text, i never see him in school, but i just have a feeling that if we talk / hang out more i could definitely like him again. he's funny, cute, nice, and idk lol yeah.

SO the point of this quote: we're hanging out again this weekend and he said I have to come up with something since he came up with the movies last time, SOOOO any ideas? something fun to do that's not too expensive because i'm broke lmfao.

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I have a question, kinda okay, so lemme tell you about this whole

6 faves · 13 comments · Dec 3, 2012 10:22pm






soccermm · 1 decade ago
i say ice skating too!!! (: you better tell me what happens after too bestie :P miss ya
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sayheyilyx · 1 decade ago
I'll imessage you back!
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soccermm · 1 decade ago
alrighty (;
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xoloveforeverxo21 · 1 decade ago
Ice skating is cheap and if ur bad at it, he has to help you. So if u do realize you like him, he can like hold u and help you
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ashlyn* · 1 decade ago
if its possible you could just hang out at one of ur guys's houses and watch movies. Its a lot more fun than some people might think. Its a great way to get to know eachother a little better. Its better than a movie theatre because there your in the dark and you can't talk, but at home you could pause the movie, talk, make popcorn. its a fun time:)
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sayheyilyx · 1 decade ago
I was thinking that too. You guys have so many good ideas! Haha :) My house is crraaaazy though so it'd have to be at his house, and I don't wanna just be like "um, we're going to hang out at your house, ok? ok." haha maybe after we've hung out a little more. :)
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ashlyn* · 1 decade ago
my house is crazy too but considering i've never hung out with a boy.... lol. but i like the idea of ice skating too, or the roller rink, which is a popular place where people go on dates where i live. :)
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QuietPeopleHaveLoudMinds · 1 decade ago
ice skating!!!!!
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Erica_213 · 1 decade ago
i was think the same thing! ( :
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sayheyilyx · 1 decade ago
That's actually a really good one! I've always thought that'd be a cute date...... c:
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QuietPeopleHaveLoudMinds · 1 decade ago
i've always wanted to go ice skating on a date i've always thought of it as a really cute thing let me know how it goes:)
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XxXvolleyballchickXxX · 1 decade ago
Well if it's nice where you are go biking or go to a park or something(: orr go to a mall and just hang out
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sayheyilyx · 1 decade ago
Lol it might be nice, actually! It's December 3rd, and it was 65 degrees outside, like, um, what? lol Thanks for the suggestion!
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