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1,000 miles.
If he had told me to jump off a building and promised me he'd be at the bottom ready to catch me,
I would have leaped without a second of doubt crossing through my mind.And as I would be falling closer and closer to the bottom, I would have seen him there, with his arms open just as he had promised. I trust this boy with all of my secrets. I could tell him anything and I wouldn't be judged. Everyday he'dremind me how wonderful he thought I was, and in return I would tell him how much I cared. I love him so much. Almostmore than the wolf loves the moon. He is my best friend and I'd do anything to see his sparkling blue eyes inperson. Yes, that's right,the person I care about the most lives 1000's of miles away from me. You may think its silly that I could ever love someonewho I have never meet before, but if you were to see how wonderful he is to me, you may just understand. There are times where I feel completely alone, and just knowing I have someone to talk to makes my day better. I'm able to be a completefool around him and even better, when I talk to him, i feel like myself. He's helped me through so much in the last year we have been friends. I can honestly say that he is my best friend, and all though 1000 miles ispretty far, I walk every step of it to spend a day with him.

this is the best comment i could have ever gotten. <3
talk to her, right now. get to know her, you'll love her.  ThisCharmlessGirl
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1,000 miles. If he had told me to jump off a building and promised

7 faves · 1 comments · Dec 2, 2012 6:07pm






ThisCharmlessGirl · 1 decade ago
AWH. <3 (':
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