Witty Profiles

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Before You Leave Me Today
Chapter 2

We got off the plane at about 11:00 pm. It was the weirdest flight ever. First there was a storm over JFK Airport, then we just had to run out of gas so we had to fly all the way to Pittsburgh International Airport and wait for about an hour before geting back on the plane, flying for another two hours, and finally gettng to New York. Just if that wasn't enough, we had to go to California. So we were back on the plane for another six hours. We arrived and drove straight to Stanford to our dorms since we had to check in by 11:30.

As we went to our dorm room, I saw a poster of One Direction for their tour coming to the U.S. I looked sadly at Liam standing on stage with his microphone in hand standing next to his band mates as girls scream their names and hold posters. I wonder if he even remembers me. I haven’t talked to him in two years. he texted me once last year, but the fame probably got to his head. I just smiled and walked along. Maybe I'll buy some tickets for me and Sarah.

The room was perfect. It had two full beds next to each other, two desks, a full bathroom with two sinks, it was just what we needed. I unpacked my suitcase and put my clothes in my little closet. I went to sit on my bed when i saw I had a text from someone. I didn't think anything of it and thought I would read it after I changed and called my mom telling her I didn't get killed or kidnapped on my way to California.

I called her and she was really happy for some reason. She said that after I left, her and the rest of my family that was at my house when I left went to dinner and she had met a guy at the pub they went to. They danced and laughed and went out on the town afterwards. She said that even though she only knew him for a little while, she really liked him and was asking for permission from me to date this man. Anyone who can make my mother happy I gladly accept. He was even a doctor! Who wouldn't say yes to that? I said it was perfectly fine with me if she had a boyfriend and she was cheering at the sound of that.

After I ended the conversation with my mom, I changed into my pajamas and checked my phone. I had two new messages. I thought it was just family making sure I made it safe, but I was wrong.
They were from Liam.
I looked confused and checked the first message:
"Hey. We haven't talked in a while."
Then I read the second message and got REALLY confused.
" I miss you."

Author's Note: Hey guys! I just wanted to post a chapter since I had nothing to do today. Maybe more will be coming soon? :) Tell me how the first couple chapters were!

Format byLaura001

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Before You Leave Me Today Chapter 2 We got off the plane at about

1 faves · Nov 27, 2012 7:14pm






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