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There's a lot of things that I wish for.
I wish I could talk to you
Without getting nervous.
I wish I really knew you
But I don't.
I wish that you'd really notice me
But so far you haven't.
I wish I could hug you
But we're not close like that.
I wish that I could wear your jacket
But for now mine will have to keep me warm.
I wish that you would hold my hand.
Mine is lonesome.
I wish that you'd tell me cute things.
But that isn't happening.
I wish we could finally BE the perfect couple.
Not just what WOULD BE the perfect couple.
I wish that everything I want would come true.
But it's gonna take a lot to get there.
I wish I actually knew how to get there.
Right now I don't.
I'm getting really tired of wishing.
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There's a lot of things that I wish for. I wish I could talk

1 faves · Nov 26, 2012 6:05pm






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