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In your sophomore year,

You came out that you were gay. The whole family supported you, and so did your friends and teachers at school. But some people started bullying you because of it... and you never told anyone because you didn't want them to worry about you.

In your junior year,
you attempted suicide... That was when we found out about the bullying. We also discovered that you had been self-harming, not on your wrists where everyone could easily see, but on your legs and your chest... you were in hospital for 2 weeks and had to attend therapy afterwards because of what you had been doing to yourself.

In your senior year,
You were happy... The people who had bullied you were no longer in your school, you were with people who accepted you, you were slowly recovering and starting to smile again. We were all so proud of you, and we were glad to have you back.

Today is your 21st birthday. Most of your scars have faded, and you are happy with your life. You've proved to everyone how strong you are, and even though some people have treated you badly, you're still able to smile at everyone, and you're still kind to people and can find something good and special in everyone. You're an inspiration to everyone you meet.
James, you are amazing. I'm so proud of you, big brother. ♥

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In your sophomore year, You came out that you were gay. The whole

305 faves · 3 comments · Nov 26, 2012 2:09pm






Nikki Sixx* · 1 decade ago
This is beautiful! I love this! I'm glad he's doing good(: <33
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AustinH · 1 decade ago
I wish my brother was that strong when he was bullied because he was gay.
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dec0de · 1 decade ago
Aw this is adorable. <3
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