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I wish u knew how i felt after we ended.
i tried to act strong,
but every night i fell asleep wondering why u did that.
and then u went and asked another girl out,
pulling a "fefe" on me.
that killed me.
and now everytime i see u with her,
i want to punch u in the face.
u broke me heart,
shattering it into a million tiny pieces.
and now i hope that everytime u see me,
laughing, smiling, and having fun,
i hope u feel pain and sorrow.
the sorrow from me enjoying my life without you,
and the pain from me having moved on.
now everytime people say,
"u 2 were the perfect couple",
i think to myself,
"we were. and now we arent."
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I wish u knew how i felt after we ended. i tried to act strong,

4 faves · Nov 22, 2012 8:11pm





break up

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