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untold secrets
chapter 9

I snuck back into the room at little after four in the morning. I quickly and quietly changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed. I didn't even care that I was missing the concert anymore because I had just done something that most girls dream about their entire lives, but never get to do.
I was so worn out from the date that I fell asleep pretty fast, only to be woken up again five hours later at nine.
"Time to get up," my mom said. "The wedding starts at three."
"So I have to get up six hours early?" I responded wearily.
"We have to go to the store and buy a gift still. And then we have to go to the salon and get our hair and nails done. We have busy day ahead of us."
I rolled out bed and went into the bathroom to shower. I still had makeup on from last night. It was a good thing that Mom was too distracted to notice. I'm not normally the girl to break the rules, but then again, what happened with me last night wasn't normal either. I turned on the shower and climbed in, turning the temperature up high to wake me up. I threw on a pair of jeans and a cami. I didn't need to get into my dress until later.
Mom dragged me to Target to buy Marissa's wedding gift. Dad and Liam were lucky. They got to stay at the hotel and watch the Red Sox game. I don't really care for the Red Sox, but I would have them over this.
Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket, alerting me of a text message. Finally, someone to talk, too!
Hey, I had an amazing time last night, it read. It was from Jake.
I texted back. Me too. What are you up to?
Sitting on the tour bus, thinking of you. Oh my God! He was thinking about me. On my way to our concert in Madison Square Garden tonight.
My best friends are going to see that. Carlin and Rachel.
I'll give a shout out to them for you. I got to go. I'll call you tomorrow.
"Cailey," my mom said, pulling me away from the message. "What do you think of this?" she asked, holding up a set of candle sticks.
I nodded. "Sure."
We bought them and then headed over to the salon. There, I got my hair curled and twisted into a really pretty half back do, and my nails painted dark blue to compliment my dress. I was going to wear the same one that I wore to the senior party.
Later I sat in the church, praying… for it to be over. All I wanted was for the day to end so that I could go back to bed and then wake up tomorrow to have Jake call me. However, even though I was in a church, my prayers went unanswered. The ceremony lasted for three hours. It dragged on and on.
Finally, we headed over to the most expensive hotel in town, which is where the reception was. There was no surprise there. Marissa only settled for the most expensive. The reception was pretty fun. I love my family (with the exception of Marissa), and they always like it when I tell them stories about myself. The only grandchildren my grandparents on my mom's side are me, Marissa, and Liam. They try not to play favorites, but it's clear that it's me.
There was a lot of dancing. The music was really good. Marissa's new husband's brother, Kyle, asked me to dance. He was cute and everything, but I tried not to make him think I like him. When Untold Secrets came on, I couldn't help but smile. I knew that at this very moment, Carlin and Rachel were at the concert. They were probably freaking out. I could just picture their faces.
"And I would just like to give a shout out to Carlin and Rachel, down in front, for being the best fans ever," Jake was probably saying into the microphone. And then they would scream louder than anyone else for the rest on the concert.
As the night came to a close, I was exhausted. The day had been pretty long and I had gotten no sleep last night. We got back to the hotel at around one in the morning. I quickly put on my pajamas and passed out right then and there.
I sat in the car on the ride home listening to my iPod. However I wasn't listening to Untold Secrets. For some reason I felt weird listening to them now that I had gone out with Jake. I know that's weird, but I couldn't help it. Instead, I was listening to Lady Gaga. Even though her music is not at all relaxing, I ended up falling asleep.
"Cailey," my dad said, just as I was asleep, waking me up.
"Yeah," I responded.
"Why are you so tired?"
"Uh… because I was up so late at the wedding."
"But all day yesterday, you looked like you were going to fall asleep."
"Um… I just had a long week and was bummed about missing the concert."
"We're sorry about that honey," my mom said. "It was just really important to Marissa that you go."
I almost laughed at that. "It's fine," I said, trying to hide, well, pretty much everything.
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untold secrets chapter 9 I snuck back into the room at little

0 faves · Nov 20, 2012 12:54pm




