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untold secrets
chapter 6

"No, I am not," the boy said, jokingly. "And you're not room service. So I guess we're both disappointed." He then smiled apologetically, as if realizing what he'd just said. "I mean, disappointed that my food isn't here yet, not disappointed to see you."
I mumbled a few stray words here and there, mostly "ums" and uhs". Finally I managed to say, "I'm not disappointed either." I then recognized that I probably looked like an idiot stumbling over everything I said.
"It's fine. I get it all the time." I bet he did. "I'm Jake. Jake Hunter.'
I smiled this huge smile. "I know. I'm a fan." I didn't say huge fan, in hopes not to scare him off. I couldn't believe I was talking to Jake Hunter.
"I think your boyfriend gave you the wrong room number."
"Oh no, Liam is my brother. I, uh, don't have a boyfriend." He seemed smirk at that.
"Jake what's taking so long?" a voice from inside the room called. I'm pretty sure it was Peter Hanson, the bands bassist.
"Just a sec, Pete," Jake called back. I was right.
"Who's out there," Peter said as he came to the door. He stopped when got to us, took one look at me, and smirked. He patted Jake's shoulder. "Take all the time you need, man." He then went back into the room.
"Uh, sorry about that," Jake apologized. "Pete is the, um, how do I put this? The forward one of the group."
I was going to say "I know", but that would look like I looked up their personalities on the internet (which I did, but I didn't want him to know that). Instead, I said, "I understand. Plenty of those types at my school."
He just nodded his head. I was starting feel like an annoying, desperate fan.
"I-I'll just be going. But can I have an autograph first?"
"Yeah, sure," he said. I was pretty sure that I was just imaging things when I saw a look of disappointment on his face when I said I was going to leave.
I reached into my bag for something for him to sign and write with. I noticed my iPod, and was tempted to give him that, but I didn't. I handed him the notebook I found and a pen. As he was signing, the song changed.
Why don't you stay the same
Everyone loves you the way you are
You don't have to change for them
You're perfect just the way you are.

My favorite song.
"This my favorite of our songs," Jake said, without looking up from the notebook.
Oh. My. God! I thought. "Really me, too," I said, getting excited, but hoping I didn't sound it. However, he looked it. He looked up at me, with a I'm-getting-interested-in-you look.
"You know this song?" he asked, with a confused and interested look in his eyes, his bright blue-green eyes. In person, his eyes were even more vibrant.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean like it was one of our first songs and it was only released on our EP album," he explained. "No one really knows it."
"Well, I love it, because it helped me last year," I told him. "I moved last year and was new. I was trying to fit in with the popular crowd and be accepted. I heard this song one day and it made me realize that should find the crowd that was like me, people I can actually relate to. I met my best friends, Rachel and Carlin, and now the three are barely seen without the other two."
"I wrote that song about when I moved."
Before I knew it, we were talking like old friends, about anything and everything. We just sat there in hallway next to each other. He told me about how he got interested in music and started writing songs, stuff I didn't know, stuff he had never told anyone before. I told him about my friends and school. He actually really interested in my school life, probably because he hasn't been to school in over a year.
It was really funny to be sitting there, with him shirtless. I had a huge crush on the guy (that was getting bigger as I actually got to know him), and I could barely resist reaching out to touch his abs. Once you could see them much clearer in person. His abs were perfectly toned and so were his biceps and triceps, and any other 'ceps there were. His tan was perfect and natural looking.
We went on talking for so long, I lost track of time. My phone started ringing. My ringtone is one of their songs, and that made Jake laugh. I smiled shyly and answered it.
"Hello?" I said.
"Cailey, it's Mom. Where are you? Liam texted you almost forty-five minutes ago," my mom said urgently, on the other line.
"Oh my God!" I said, freaked at the time. "Has it been that long? I'm sorry, but Liam texted me the wrong room number. What room are you guys in?"
She gave me the right room number and we hung up. I turned to Jake.
"I have to go," I said. "It was really cool to meet you."
"Wait, before you go, let me see that autograph a sec?" he asked.
I handed it to him and he took it into his room. He came back out a minute later and handed it to me. I put it in my bag.
"I just figured that since Pete was here, you should have his, too."
I smiled. "Thanks." He was so thoughtful. If I loved him before meeting him, that was nothing compared to what I felt now.
"Well, uh, bye," Jake said, smiling sweetly.
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untold secrets chapter 6 "No, I am not," the boy said,

0 faves · Nov 20, 2012 12:41pm




