Witty Profiles

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untold secrets
chapter 5

When we got to the hotel, my Aunt Julia, Marissa's mom, greeted us.
"Claire, hi!" she cried. She ran over and gave my mom a hug. "I'm so happy you could make it!"
"Oh Julia, we wouldn't miss it," Mom replied.
Aunt Julia turned to my dad. "Daniel, how good to see you!"
She then saw Liam and me, and jumped as if she were just noticing us standing there for the first time.
"Oh my God!" She was talking to us like we were eight (well Liam was). "Is that Liam and Cailey? My, oh, my! You two have grown so much since the last time I saw you." That was last month.
I smiled. "Hi, Aunt Julia."
I loved Aunt Julia because she was so bubbly and optimistic. Nothing like her evil daughter. Aunt Julia was my mom's younger sister and she always looked to my mom for advice. I really felt bad for her sometimes because of the things that Marissa put her through. Once when I was 12, she was up all night on the phone with my mom crying because Marissa had left a note saying that she had gone to live with her boyfriend, who had just moved two towns away. She was always doing stuff like that because she felt that since she was gorgeous and a cheerleader that rules didn't apply to her.
Unexpectedly, Aunt Julia's phone rang. She said she would be right back and then walked away to a corner. When she came back she said that it was my Aunt Barbara. My cousins couldn't go to the rehearsal dinner because they were too young and their baby-sitter had cancelled because she was sick.
"Cailey will do it," my mom volunteered.
"Oh really that would be wonderful," Aunt Julia said excitedly. "Would you mind?"
"No, it'll be fine," I responded.
"Okay, great," she said. "Why don't you go get in my car and I'll drive you over. Let me just call Barbara back and tell her."
At ten o'clock, Aunt Julia picked me up and drove me back to the hotel. It had been an easy night. It certainly took my mind off of Liam and Kora. My cousins, Billy and Becky, were well behaved kids. We played board games and watched "High School Musical". If only high school was really that fun.
When I got to the to the hotel lobby, I realized I had left before my family had checked in so I had no idea what room we were in. I pulled out my phone and texted Liam, asking him for the room number. I would have texted my mom or dad, but they had no idea what texting was, and the reception in the hotel wasn't strong enough to make a call. So, sadly, I was stuck with Liam.
He texted me back with the room number and I headed to the elevator. I punched in the floor and the doors closed. There were lots of people in the elevator though and I was heading to the top floor.
I'm going to be in here a awhile, I thought to myself. Was it just me, or was the elevator music by Untold Secrets? At this time tomorrow, my friends would just be leaving the concert. I pulled out my iPod and went on to skip every Untold Secrets song, which was just about every other song.
Finally the elevator reached my floor. I stepped out and checked my phone again to refresh my memory of the room number. As I walked down the hall, I realized my number was no where near the numbers around me. Had Liam given me a false number? If he had, he was so dead. And this time I wouldn't hesitate to tell mom and dad. If he was lucky, I wouldn't mention the incident with Kora.
Luckily, he hadn't texted a false number. It was just the last room in the hall. I heard music and voices on the other side. I wondered why the music was so loud, because Mom and Dad would never let him play music that loud especially in a nice hotel. They must still be out and just let him come back alone. But then again, if he was alone then why did I hear more than one voice.
I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again. Finally, I heard a response surface above the blaring music. Was that Untold Secrets?
"Who is it?"
"It's Cailey!" I shouted.
"Um… No one's is here."
I heard some mumbling and then footsteps. At last, the door opened. And standing there shirtless, with an amused smirk on his face was – not who I was expecting.
"I think someone is messing with you," the shirtless boy said.
"Oh my god… You are not Liam," was just about all I could get out.
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untold secrets chapter 5 When we got to the hotel, my Aunt Julia,

0 faves · Nov 20, 2012 12:30pm




