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Chapter 15

Andi's POV
I woke up to the smell of bacon and pankcakes. I also noticed I was in Pjs.
I followed the smell of food which led me into the kitchen. 
"Look who is finally up." a voice said. I looked up to see Jake.
"Oh, hi." i muttered.
He looked down "I hope you dont mind that i changed your clothes, those Pjs were my sisters before she died, never had a chance to even wear them," he said.
"Thanks, and why did you bring me to your place?" I asked, completly bewildered.
"I didn't want you doing something you would regret."
"Jake..." I started to say ut he put the plate of food in front of me and before I ate, I had this horrible feeling in my stomach
"Im going to be sick," I moaned.

"sh*t," Jake said, he picked me up and carried to the bathroom, he made it to the toliet right before i threw up into the toilet.
"thanks," I said when I was through.
"If you dont want to eat..." he said, but I was already marching to get the food, I was starving and I was going to eat.

Sorry lovelies that Ive been gone all summer, I went on a cruise!
But im back now so I put up a short chapter.


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TheLostlife Chapter 15 Andi's POV ------------- I woke up

1 faves · Nov 17, 2012 3:19pm






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*Eternally lost...**