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humans are we really living or just.....surviving i mean for me i live in a small town, small family, boring life stuck on repeat. And all the time i sit there day dreaming asking myself the same questions over and over again, "do you really want to sit here wasting time wondering is there more to life?" "do you really want to go to school just to go home do more work and then repeat the next day?"  i feel trapped....with no way out waiting to live, be free, to be out there to see the word and to actually see and feel and experience what life means. I wait to the day when i leave my boring little town along with my boring little life with my boring little family all for the experience of something new instead of being stuck on repeat over and over again.
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humans are we really living or just.....surviving i mean for

0 faves · Nov 13, 2012 10:10pm




