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Quote #6419425

5 faves · 13 comments · Nov 13, 2012 5:22am





break up

witty_guy_here · 1 decade ago
Omg best friend dont commit suicide!! D': i love you and will miss you. Ur death would affect ppl in ways u wouldnt imagine so stay strong plz for ur freinds family and anybody who u care about :3
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*한숨** · 1 decade ago
How do you know what will happen in the future if you're not around to see it? Most likely, it will get better.
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hiphopflopflop · 1 decade ago
Please don I it. I know the world doesn't seem worth it but there is a place for you where you will be happy you just have to endure a little longer to get to it. The people that say these things to you aren't worth while you are better than them and eventually you will be able to leave all that drama behind. Please don't kill yourself please
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skittleslover24 · 1 decade ago
I dont know what your going through. I dont know how it feels to be on the edge. I've never known and I hope i never will. I know how it feels to be pushed around. For someone to toy with you and your feelings. I know how it feels dreading going to school. death is never the answer. Why take away the only life you have just because it sucks right now? YOu could get an education do big things. Have a family. isnt that worth being alive
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soccerchicka28m · 1 decade ago
maybe I don't understand what you've been through. maybe I don't know what it's like. but that doesn't mean that I care any less. you are beautiful and amazing in your own way. waiting is so tough, but it does it better. there is a reason you're still here. you're meant for something more. all the sh*t is was makes you stronger.
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Just_Anoter_Witty_Guy · 1 decade ago
Don't even think about doing it. Your not ending your pain . You're just passing it on to someone else. People that will miss you, cry everynight because they lost you. Your parents, friends, family all of us wittians. Just stay strong tell those 2 people to F'ck off and s'ck di'cks. Just ignore them, I know it's hard ot do that when you see them everyday!! I was bullied by a few people but then it eventually stoped and I promise this will stop as well!! Just hang on, talk to someone about it! If you have nobody to talk to come to me! I will always be there to help you just to make you feel better but don't end it today or tomorrow or next week keep up until you physicly can't do it. And remember you can always come to me for help!!
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That_music_girl · 1 decade ago
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That_music_girl · 1 decade ago
There's a reason you're alive. You just might not know what it is yet.
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heartflowers · 1 decade ago
Please don't kill yourself! Things will get better. I seriously was in the same spot as you before. People are fake in my town too, but then things got better. I did a hobby I enjoyed. (gymnastics) and I also made new friends. Please don't do this. Switch school maybe? Look for the good things in life. There's so many reasons to smile. You are here for a reason. Okay. And you may not think this, but tons of people will cry... You always have someone fighting for you. <3. Stay strong. You can talk to me whenever you need to
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ForeverStronger · 1 decade ago
Please don't end your life! Things really do get better. Your not always going to have those two people in your life. Yes, what they are doing is cruel, but please don't take it to heart. They just sound like little whiney brats that don't know what they're talking about. You seem like a very kind person, and no one should ever have to go through that. Just imagine all the good things that could happen in the future. Someone out there cares about you a lot more than you think, and there are people in your future who are going to love you. You just gotta look for the right people and leave the rest behind. I know it's difficult, but please keep holding on. Please don't kill yourself, because you'll never know what could have been. I hope this message gets to you in time and I hope you reconsider what your planning. Please Please PLEASE don't harm or kill yourself tonight or ever. Remember, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Like I said, those two people won't be in your life forever. I know I don't know your situation, but I know how it feels to be alone. Maybe not recently, but I still know the feeling. Please, don't kill yourself!!</3
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Autumn102 · 1 decade ago
dont give up! its not worth it! youre so much more important than you may feel! i promise♥ i need you to stay. witty wont be the same without you. nothing will be the same. I may not know you but i love you. from one witty sister to another
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BreakingOnMetal · 1 decade ago
don't do it please love.. stay for a while. Keep holding on.. Just please don't give up
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pandaloverjillian · 1 decade ago
Like I said in my note...Im tired of waiting for something that could never come:/
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