Witty Profiles

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0. Height- 4'11

1.Virgin? yaa

2.Shoe Size- idk lmao dont remember

3.Do you Smoke? No

4.Did you ever Smoke? no

5.Did you ever drank alcohol? no

6.Do you take drugs? no

7.Have Tattoos? no

8.Want any tattoos? yess nothing cray tho , just infinite symbol on my finger and a pink bow on my hip. the bow is really cute if u look up on google images tumblr bow tattoo, i want that but on my hip c:

9.Got any Piercings?i have 3 earing holes

10.Want any Piercings? my belly button . can someone PLEASE tell me if it hurts lol, im afraid of shots so idk how im gonna be with that lmao . (dont judge :c )

11.Best friend? Stephaniee ;D

12.Relationship status? really crushing..

13.Crush? nick

14.Biggest turn offs- disrespectful, too clingy, akward lmao

15.Biggest turn ons-funny, nice smile, gelled hair, athletic, loves to be with his girl all the time, loves to have movie nights and just cuddle, honest, open, trustworthy, lets me fall asleep in his arms, kisses you randomly, holds your waist. c:

16.I’ll love you if- i dont get this L0L.

17.Someone you miss- someone who just left me without a word.

18.Favourite cities- leonardo dicaprio omg ily.

19.A fact about your personality- i haave a bigggg sense of humor

20.What I hate most about myself- sometimes i make myself look really stupid infront of my crush.

21.What I love most about myself- eyes

22.What I want to be when I get older- a model lol i wish.

23.My relationship with my sibling(s)- pretty close

24.My relationship with my parent(s)- extremly close with my mom. i love you so much mommy c:

25.My idea of a perfect date- just being together is enough but i like amusment parks and stuff hehe.

26.The last watched movie- i dont even remember omg.

27.A description of the girl/boy I like- hes got the greatest smile he dosent talk to me but his smile could light up this whole town. hes got the nicest dark brown eyes , perfect teeth, perfect gelled hair. the way he dresses . his sneakers, his shirts , and hes a soccer player <3 and cute laugh c:

28.A description of the person I dislike the most- i wouldnt waste my time writing about you sorry.

29.A reason I’ve lied to a friend- so she wouldnt get hurt .but that was a dumb choice because i would rather her know the truth and have me help her through it than be comforting her with a lie.

30.What I hate the most about work/school- the humor in some of my classes lmfao. there this kid that just says whatever comes to the top nof his head hes so funny lol.

31.What your last text message says- "LMFAO OMG"

32.What words upset me the most- Your ugly (not saying im beautiful but i would rather have you keep your oppinions to yourself)

33.What words make me feel the best about myself- just words that makes me feel good or beautiful

34.What I find attractive in women- Nothing.

35.What I find attractive in men- go back to number 27.

36.Where I would like to live-  where i am is good lol ive got good friends and family right heree.

37.One of my insecurities- my hair.

38.My childhood career choice- artist or teacher lol

39.My favorite ice cream flavor- vanilla

40.Who wish I could be- hmm idk a model

41.Where I want to be right now- with my crush <3

42.The last thing I ate-  pancakes c:

43.Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately- my crush.

44.Where have you been three hours ago- at the kitchen tabel.

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0. Height- 4'11 1.Virgin? yaa 2.Shoe Size- idk lmao dont

0 faves · Nov 8, 2012 12:13pm




