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This is a vent, you don't have to read it... Sorry.

                So, all my life I have been extremely close with my parents. All of my life I have been friends with guys. I have grown up with them. As soon as I turned 13, my parents said that I couldn't hang out with guys outside of school anymore. When we would hang out it wasn't even a big deal. We would sit in my room and play games on the XBox, or in the living room playing on the Wii, like I said, it was no big deal since we were strictly best friends. My mom told me that I needed to stop haging out with them. That, I needed to get more friends that are girls. The problem with that is that girls don't like me. They have always hated me for always being around guys. I was not okay with this. I immediately went into my room and broke. Who else would I hang out with? My parents were expecting me to give up my best friends. So, I tried making friends that were girls. Immediatly rumors were spread, bad. I would say how I who I have hung out with since I was three, about 10 guys that were my best friends. Then everything I do isn't good enough. Oh, you got an 80 on your test? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? YOU ARE SO LAZY? Then my sister comes up with a 70... Oh! Good job honey!... Wow. It's like, what I do is NEVER good enough... My older sister that moved out said I should see a councelor. I guess my parents used to do this to her and that is why she moved out when she was 17. They expect more out of me than I can give. :/ Just like how when I got a boyfriend. My mom immediately started saying how she couldn't believe how I could just have so much disrespect for her. To get a boyfriend at 13? That is terrible. She is telling me that when my older sister (That still lives with us) Has always had a guy as her boiyfriend since she was 12! Then I haven't even had my first kiss yet and I can't even hang out with him. Also I get yelled at for everything. When I was asleep in the car I got in trouble for supposedly making distracting noises when my sister was doing all of them! How she always makes "jokes" on how I am adopted and unloved, and she never gets in trouble. I tried making ONE, JUST ONE of those jokes to her and I got yelled at and put in my room. I hate it. I get blamed for everything. They always say that I should go hang out with my friends more often, but since my best guy friends were basically taken away from me by my parents I can't. Also when I do find someone to hang out with they will say no. That is why I am always in my room on the computer listening to music. Maybe because music understands me better than they do...? They are always SO judgemental of me and everyone I talk to. I can't stand it.

I just want to be 17 already so I can move out of this helll hole...

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This is a vent, you don't have to read it... Sorry. So, all

3 faves · Nov 7, 2012 6:42pm





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