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Chapter One -- Eabha's POV >> 
"Hi" is all I say, my thick irish accent showing.
I'm Eabha, Eabha Horan. I'm the sister of Niall Horan, obviously.
He's been in America a lot, so I'm so glad he's home.

"So where's Greg?" Niall asked me, pulling at my ponytail.
I push his hand off me. "Work, and get off"
"Don't hurt the pretty girl" The curly haired bloke says, flashing a grin.
"Don't flirt with my sister Harry!" Niall says sternly, sitting up.
"Keep him away from your mum, Niall" Zayn says, walking over to me.
"Hey duck." He says, locking me in a hug.
Niall had tried bringing all the lads back before the tour but only Zayn came. We're tight, he's like one of those friends you meet on holiday.
You're very close to each other but it'll only be for a couple of days.

"Can you make us all a cup of tea?" Louis asks me, smiling sweetly.
"Uh!" I moan, "Sure. But one of you'll have to help bring them in."
Instantly, one by one, they all say 'not it'. All except Liam.
Liam's still messing about with Russels Woody toy.
"Oi! Payne! Cup of Teas, now!" I say. Well.. Yell.
"What?" He says. Is Woody that interesting?
"You didn't say, not it. You're the helper."
He sighs and follows me into the kitchen. I start to make the drinks, then he adds the sugar. I'm taking the milk back when we collide.
"Sorry" I mutter. Darn this kitchen is small.
We're pressed up against the wall, staring into each others eyes.
"We need to take the tea in." I whisper, my hands moving from his shoulders. He's so.. Big. I wonder how much he works out. 
"Yeah" He breaths, moving away and grabbing three cups.
He walks out and I close the fridge door, then grabbing three cups.

"What took you so long?" Niall asks as I pass him the cup.
"Niall, the kitchen was cramped. Moving was gonna get you killed"
"It's not that bad. It's bigger than the bathroom."
"Don't even get me started on that."

We all start laughing and joking around and then Harry asks me if I have a boyfriend. I feel Niall clench his fist as he's currently locked me in a hug. I usually love Nialls hugs, but they're awkward when he's mad.
"No. Can't say there is."

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Everything about You . Chapter One -- Eabha's POV >>

7 faves · 1 comments · Nov 5, 2012 4:35pm






★♡flying high♥☆* · 1 decade ago
More like now pleasee?? and reminder? if you do them (:
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