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I am so D O N E . D O N E . D O N E . D O N E .

4 faves · 1 comments · Nov 1, 2012 11:07pm





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Whatawittyfeeling · 1 decade ago
Hey. I don't know what's going on, or in what way you're hurting, but I want you to know I care.
I'm sorry you feel like this. It must suck. Probably really badly.
Your quote is really pretty.
I want you to know that I think you matter, and I think you matter a lot. You're very important and I hope you realize that. I don't know what the matter is, or what kind of situation you're in, but you should know that you CAN pull through. You're unique, one-of-a-kind, a beautiful creation.
The best thing about this life is that it can always be changed.
Bad things don't have to stay the same.
Life is and always will be what you make it. Make it through the darkness, and you will see the light. I promise, dear.
I'm so sorry things are tough right now. I hope you feel better, and you'll be in my prayers. Truly. Whatever it is, you're strong enough. I promise you are. (:
I'm here if you ever need anything, my friend. You're very much worth it, in every way. Always. And don't let anybody tell you differently.
My name is Kaly, by the way. (:
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