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Because Of Faith
A One Direction FanFic
Chapter 24
Part 2

"Bring them in"
Liam said as Zayn walked in, dragging Harry and NIall behind him. They were obviously drunk.
"They uh... had a bit too much to drink."
Zayn said.
"Yeah I can tell."
Louis said, sitting on the couch behind me.
Harry slurred, walking over to me. I took a step back.
"Cooomeeee ooon Iiii miiissseeed yoouuuu."
He said again, his voice slurring on his vowels. I took another step back but Harry grabbed my wrist.
"Giiveee meee a kisss babyyyy"
He said again, lifting my chin up. I looked away.
"Stop it Harry."
I said. Louis stood up and put his hand on Harry's sholder.
"Come on mate..."
Louis started but Harry interupted him.
"Noooo Im not leaving until my girlfriend snogs me."
He said, looking away from Louis and back at me.
"Then we are going to be here awhile."
I mummbled to myself.
"What was that you little b'tch?"
He yelled
I said quietly, I was scared now. Then I felt it, a cold hand slapped across my face and knocked me to the ground. Tears started to run down my face as Liam nealt down next to me
"Julia are you okay?"
He asked as I covered the right side of my face, looking up and seeing Louis and Zayn drag Harry into th bedroom, where Niall was, already passed out. I looked at Liam as he pulled me up onto my feet. I nodded my head no as more tears streamed down my face. He pulled me in for a soothing hug and stroked my hair.
"Shhhhh its going to be okay."
He said over and over again rocking me back and forth. He pulled me away and I saw Zayn and Louis standing behind him. They lead me over to the couch and sat me down.
"Lets see the damage."
Liam said, carefully pulling my hnd off of my burning face. They all gasped.
"Oh My Gosh!"
Louis screamed which scared me. I kept on crying.
"Louis stay calm."
Zayn said while Liam put an icepack to my face.
"You want me to calm down?!?! Do you see what he did?! Look at what he did to my, OUR little girl!!"
Louis screamed.
He began to pace around the hotel room, Liam kept watch to make sure he didn't barge into the bedroom where Harry and Niall must have been asleep by now. My face was still burning and my eyes felt swollen, I wasnt sure if it was from the hit or from my crying. Louis finally calmed down and sat down next to me. he put a blanket on his lap and carefully garb the ice pack from me. He set it on his lap so I could lay down on it. I did as I was instructed and Liam put a blanket over me.
"Shhhhh its okayy hun."
Louis said, stroking my hair as Liam had. I couldn't believe what just happened but it did, and that night I drifted off to sleep, scared of what the morning would bring.

Bet you didn't see that coming! What will happen??
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Because Of Faith A One Direction FanFic Chapter 24 Part 2 "Bring

10 faves · 3 comments · Nov 1, 2012 7:30pm






vintageowlxB · 1 decade ago
thats great carry on!
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my_weird_life · 1 decade ago
aah!! next chapter!!!
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BugsBunnyB1tches · 1 decade ago
omg poor julia!!!
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