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Quote #6370609

1 faves · 1 comments · Oct 27, 2012 11:10am






ashie514 · 1 decade ago
Okay so I've taken offense to this. Just because you think in certain ways doesn't mean you have what OCD, anorexia, Schizophrenia, or anything else. I mean that's just rude to the people who do have those things. It's not something wrong with them. It's just a way of life and how people live through it. I do have OCD and i found offense to the checklist. It's quite rude. Also, I have a friend with depression who I know if they read this, it would make them cry. I was clinically depressed a couple months ago. And I do not agree with the checklist. I found this incredibly judgmental and rude. Please take this down.
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