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Words Left Unspoken
Chapter 31
Lauren's POV

     I sat on the edge of my bed, as I had for the last 3 days. I had gotton no sleep, no food, no hope. I was pregnant I looked at my wrists, littered with bruises and I tried to keep my eyes open but as they slowly drifted shut I was back to the familiar scene that had been haunting me.
I sat in his car and he kept glancing at me with a wicked smile plastered on his face, and through my distorted mind I smiled back. He quickly parked the car on the side of the road. It was a truck, the car, on of the ones with a covered tail gate. He turned towards me and said, "Get in the back." I frowned and he held up the bottle of whiskey, "Just for a drink." And so I climbed over the seat, I felt his eyes on my rear. And at the moment it made me feel loved, though it was far from it. He laughed as he too climbed over the seat and took a swig from the bottle then he handed it to me and I drank about half in a few gulps and the alcohol worked its concequences in fast because next thing I knew I was making out with the so called John and within 30 minutes, we weren't clothed.
I shuttered at the memories with had been flooding my thoughts. I rubbed my stomach amd felt the tears running down my already tear stained face. I mentally killed myself and I screamed and cried until I had finally drifted off to sleep. I woke up 2 mornings later, the fatigue really got to me. And I felt the evil thoughts whispering to me once again. I ran to the desk and ripped a piece of paper form a book. I had to write to Collin. 
Dear Collin,
I know its only been a few days since you left, but I miss you to pieces. I am having troubles couping with.. these things. But I have a surprise, I'm pregnant, and I'll probably be in labor before you come home, so lets think baby names. I love you Collin and I cant wait till you come home.. I really.. I just need you right now. Stay safe babe,
Love, Lauren

It wasn't to far from the truth, but it was most definately
a lie.



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Words Left Unspoken Chapter 31 Lauren's POV I sat on the

4 faves · Oct 26, 2012 7:25pm






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