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The Cali Breeze

Chloe & her dad were eating dinner, when he blurted.. "Chloe, I know you're not gonna be happy about this, but my boss is transfering me.. we have to move in a few weeks." He said nervously.
"It's okay Dad, where are we moving?" Chloe asked So calmly.
"California.." he replied."
What!? Dad no! You can't make me move across the world, what about school & family & all my friends?" Chloe shouted.
"Hunny you can go to school & meet new friends there, & we have some family there." He said.
"But Dad! This isn't fair! I'm not going! Mom wouldn't make me.." Chloe said as her father cut her off.
"That's enough! Don't you dare bring your mother into this." He replied seriously.
"I hate you." Chloe shouted as she excused herself from the table & slammed her bedroom door shut..

-After this, her journey starts!*

♥ if I should keep going..
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The Cali Breeze •--------------• Chloe & her dad were eating

0 faves · Oct 25, 2012 10:55pm




