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 my life from the inside out part 2 
knowbody knows how lonly i feel with the jokes and the lies
Just because you say oh its just a joke its ok is that what you think? well if you do your wrong it feels horrible like you have to carry the world on your sholders  alone  no one to stand up for you know one to talk to noone to trust with your life  no one to go to in your times of need ya i might be crazy or wierd but very caring doesnt mean you can take atvantage of it ok all i want are friends who will have the power to stand up for me no matter who it is  as a matter of fact i want friends who will stand up for me no matter what
that is all i want is that to much to ask? 
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my life from the inside out part 2 knowbody knows how lonly

0 faves · 1 comments · Oct 25, 2012 9:55pm






*y i k e s* · 1 decade ago
This is gonna make me sound horrible but...
I... I can't... Sorry, I'm too weak... I can't get into trouble... It's just not who I am...
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