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A nother short Story #3 

I just lay there, unaware of the world. Not asleep, no. But dead. My whole life has ended, and theres no time. I have lost it all. All because I didnt ignore those people. 7 minutes was all it took for my life to become a dream streched out as a lifetime. That's what happens when you die , you know. I don't know what they're doing to me, but I feel naked and there are tubes stuffed into me. Then theres a small pulling sensation. And I hear faint mumbles and tears. I am dead. I have lost the time. 

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A nother short Story #3 I just lay there, unaware of the world.

3 faves · 1 comments · Oct 24, 2012 6:28am






JeMiNe2016 · 1 decade ago
Thats really cool. I like it
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