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I think I want to write a story. Let me know if you think I should?

Give Me All You Got.


She had been through a lot in the past year. Losing her dad in Afghanistan wasn't easy and on top of that her mom became an alcoholic trying to deal with the tragedy of losing him. Cramming everything into the little VW Bug, the mother and daughter set out to New York City, 1232 miles away from their home in Little Rock. One hour down, twenty to go. The two were switching on and off, taking turns driving to their new home in the Big Apple, whatever it took to get a new start. At the border of Arkansas, Leah pulls up her long brown hair and says, "Goodbye, hell on earth. You won't be missed."
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I think I want to write a story. Let me know if you think I should?

5 faves · 1 comments · Oct 23, 2012 10:42am






Fai~* · 1 decade ago
I think you should ^^ If you do, I will gladly take a notification if you're giving them (:
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