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my plan:

I am going to france on a school trip. I am going to lock myself in the bathroom (i will be in a room with my best friend and her two friends who hate me) and then i will do anything I can to kill myself. I wont call for help, I will keep the door locked. I will die, and I will do whatever I can do succeed. I am leaving for the four day trip on the 7th of November.

you can't stop me.
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my plan: I am going to france on a school trip. I am going to

0 faves · 19 comments · Oct 21, 2012 6:00am





away messages

xoloveforeverxo21 · 1 decade ago
I know I don't know you but please don't do this. Talk to me about it please? No one deserves to die. You are better then this. Things get better trust me
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she_is_love · 1 decade ago
when or not you deserve this, (which you dont, but you may think otherwise), your best friend doesnt. it would be cruel to her to find you dead on the floor, just imagine it, if she ever cared for you, she will be devestated. and you think youre fat, im 5' 3" and 138 lbs, thats fat honey, not whatever you are. just dont. please dont, you may be broken, but please dont
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giveyourheartabreak · 1 decade ago
No no no please don't.
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LauzHeys · 1 decade ago
Why would you want to?
I've always admired you and wanted to be friends with you since you're so awesome.
Please don't </3
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xxiammexx · 1 decade ago
stop it. you're worth everything to someone, even though you mmight not know that. everyone was put on this planet for a reason, and you'll soon figure that out. stay strong, and pull through. enjoy yourself in france, and do not attempt to hurt yourself in any way. i know i cant stop you, but i sure as hell will try. but if you wanna talk, we can become good friends. comment on my page or something, if youre not gonna respond to this.
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FreBear · 1 decade ago
thankyou.. i am rather excited about france. x how are you today?
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xxiammexx · 1 decade ago
i'm alright, could be better. &yourself? &thats great. honestly, i've always wanted to go there since i was little to see the effiel tower. :)
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McKenzie8463 · 1 decade ago
Please don't!
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KrazyKayz17 · 1 decade ago
Please don't kill yourself. You're only 12 and you have such a long life ahead of you. What if your best friend finds your body? What about your family? Idk how they treat you but I'm positive they'd be heartbroken if you killed yourself. I read all your quotes as of today. You are NOT a waste of space, or life, or anything. You are a beautiful person and you don't deserve to die. My friend wanted to kill himself for the longest time and it tore me up. Don't kill yourself. People care. Stay sttrong and it will get better.
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Myfriendsarepigs · 1 decade ago
My best friend hung himself in his house. and you know who found him? his little brother. and the worst part, he was still semi alive... but his little brother was too small to lift him up enough. He was one of my best friends, and that triggered my depression. Now i think about suicide everyday. But the only thing that is stopping me is my friends. I could never do that to them. You can get through this. Just think of one thing that makes you happy and hold onto it for dear life. literally. please... talk to someone. REALLY think this through..
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beLOVEd3 · 1 decade ago
Please, pretty please, don't. You don't know who loves you, and even though they hate you, I'm pretty sure they don't want you to die. Just two girls, I mean come on! You have your best friend, and a lot of other amazing people that adore you. What if you become friends with those girls, and all of a sudden you were to die? Or what if they were thinking in their heads, "I think we should friend her, she doesn't seem too bad", and just as they were coming up to talk to you, they saw your dead body? Please don't do it sweetheart. PLEASE.
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nyanlover12 · 1 decade ago
babe, don't do it. Think of your family, best friend, school, yourself! You have so much more to live for. You're only young and have a whole life ahead of you.
Please don't do it. There are so many people who love you and will be devastated if you don't return home from that school field trip.
Please, don't do it.
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MissOpportunist · 1 decade ago
Your chice Witty sister, your choice. I know you say we can't stop you but I'll be damned if I don't try. Look, please don't kill yourself, you're probably thinking I have no idea what you're going through, so tell me. How would your family feel when the have to hear from the SCHOOL? How would your best friend feel when she finds your body? Think about it, okay. Why would you end your life. Witty sister, stay strong through these hard times and if you ever need to talk just comment on my wall okay. Please? I can help.

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Harper* · 1 decade ago
</3 don't do i think of all the people that love you
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onedirection143 · 1 decade ago
Please don't!!
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JustMeh · 1 decade ago
Chat me
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monkeylove98 · 1 decade ago
please dont!
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CrazedFangirl · 1 decade ago
Please reconsider everything first. Don't let your bestfriend be the one who finds you dead. If you need to talk about anything at all, I'm only a click away.
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OmegleTalk · 1 decade ago
Please Dont♥
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