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Let Love Bleed Red

Chapter 2 Part 3

Kylie's POV

"K, you know that's not true. Don't let it get to you!" 
Ian said, trying to ge tme to look at him, but i resisted and kept my face buried into the crook of my brother's neck.
"Yes, it is true; I've never had a boyfriend Ian. No one would want a fat, ugly, b/tch like me."
I said, but it was muffled. 
"No, it isn't true. You may be a b/tch at times, but your not fat. You're beautiful just the way you are, no matter what anyone said. And there are people out there that like you. You may not know it, or you may not have them, but trust me, there is."
Xan said, squeezing my hand as Ian rubbed my back. 
"Name one, Xan, just one."
I felt him stiffen and looked up at his face. He wasn't looking at me; he was looking out the window with a pained look on his face.
"See, that's my point. You can't name anyone."
I pulled away slightly, but he pulled me back and hugged me. 
"No, Kylie, that's not it. It's just, I...I can't tell you. Not now at least, but when I feel it's the right time, I-I'll tell you, I promise."
He explained with a slight quiver in his voice. I nodded slightly,
Then went back to cuddling him, I looked over and saw Ian with a knowing look on his face as he settled back down with his head on my chest and Tina looking a little uncomfortable. I shrugged slightly and continued playing with Ian's hair again.

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Let Love Bleed Red Chapter 2 Part 3 Kylie's POV "K,

7 faves · 2 comments · Oct 20, 2012 7:28pm






TeenagePosts · 1 decade ago
Its really good!!!
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