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October 20, 2012

I don't know what has been happening to me anymore. Each day brings a new struggle. My condition seems to be getting worse. I spent thursday in the hospital and friday I rested. I can't take all these needles anymore. I hate seeing nurses and doctors. They haven't done anything for me but let it get worse.
He hasn't answered my texts in a few days. I'm worried. Where has he been? He better be alright. He is my main priority in life. He is my life. Maybe he might have moved on, but I know he can feel it to. Almost as if we are still connected, but in another world.
My grades have been slowly dropping. I've been trying so hard, but nothing seems to help me anymore. I'm so distracted. I'm losing myself again, or maybe, I've always been lost.

It'll get better my love.
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October 20, 2012 I don't know what has been happening to

6 faves · Oct 20, 2012 11:53am






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