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OneDirection Imagines

~ Personal Imagine for Kylie2015~


"No, mum! NO!" you argued.
"Stop whining and just do it." she fired back, giving you a little push towards the boy.
"Fine." you said. You saw a cute boy, a really cute boy, and you told your mom. Big mistake. You two were in the mall, and she was trying to make you talk to him.
"No go." she pushed you on the back. Maybe a little too hard, cause you fell right into the boy.
"Oh sorry, it was my-" you turned around to point but your mom was gone.
"Nevermind, but really sorry about that." you said.
"Oh no, it's fine, really." he smiled. His dimples were just the perfecting touch to his curly brown hair and sea green eyes, his deep accent was amazing, too.
"By the way, I'm Kylie." you said shyly, staring at the ground.
"I'm Harry. Harry Styles." he said back. Wait, did that just click the connection in your head, he was in your favorite band. On the inside you were fangirling, but on the outside you kept your cool.
"You know, from One Direction?" he asked.
"Yeah, I just made the connection. How could I have not known my favorite member?" you flirted.
"Well Kylie, how would you like to go grab a coffee?" he asked, and you felt yourself blushing hard.
"I'd love too." you said.

You too enjoyed your coffee, and conversation, and you felt like walking on clouds.
"Well, this was amazing. You really should call me." he said, and you too enchanged numbers.
Soon enough, the following Wednesday you had another coffee date. Maybe your mum pushing you into this wasn't such a bad idea after all...
-Haylie, this one was really fun to write, I love writing Harry ones even though I like Niall the best. <3

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OneDirection Imagines ~ Personal Imagine for Kylie2015~ "No,

5 faves · 1 comments · Oct 20, 2012 11:39am






Softballgirl15 · 1 decade ago
I would die if that happened!
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