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OneDirection Imagines

~ Personal Imagine for pandabear13~


"That's it! I'm done!" you screamed, then slammed the door in your boyfriend Niall's face.
You slid down the door into a sitting position. "Kelsey." he whispered from behind the door.
"No, we are so through. I'm done. This is done. We are done." you said sobbing. You and Niall had been fighting like crazy, and it was driving you insane. You loved him more than anyone else, anything else, or just anything. But you had to end this hurt. This time you started about how you never saw him on tour, and it just turned into a small arguement, then a big fight about stupid nothings.

You heard him walk away, but he returned a few moments later. He slid a note under the door.

'Kelsey, please. Atleast look through the crack.' it read. You cracked the door a tiny bit, and saw your favorite flowers, movie, and favorite everything. All being held by your favorite boy.

You opened the door all the way, and he dropped the bags on the ground, and pulled you close for a Horan Hug. You let him in out of the rain, and you sat for a moment in silence.

"So, we're not done..?" he asked.
You giggled, "Of course we aren't...I love you..so much." you said.
"I love you too Kelsey..I love you too.." he said and you too hugged.
"You promise to never fight..ever. Never fight ever again, especially about something stupid?" you asked.
"Pinky." he said, sticking out his pinky and you giggled and pinky promised him.

You fell asleep on his chest, on your couch watching your favorite movie. You woke up by him whispering in your ear:
"Good morning beautiful." and you could already tell it was going to be a FANTASTIC day with Niall.
-Haylie. You like?
This request was posted on my story account, please do not ask on there or my regular account, we prefer it on here. Thaaaaaaaaanks (:

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OneDirection Imagines ~ Personal Imagine for pandabear13~ "That's

5 faves · 2 comments · Oct 19, 2012 10:52pm






pandabear13 · 1 decade ago
OMG! Thank you soooo much! I loved it!
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1Dimaginettes · 1 decade ago
No problem (:
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