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I want a boyfriend who would shout "I love you" to me in the halls without caring who would hear him. I want him to hold my hand and show me off to the world. I want him to wrap me up in his arms when I am cold. I want him to be a complete fool and make me laugh. I want to get into tickle fights with him and be able to text him or call him whenever I need to. I want to be able to lay on a blanket under the stars all night with him. I want to drink hot chocolate when it's cold out next to him. I want to be able to be a complete loser around him and he will be one too. I just want someone who will always be there for me no matter what and will love me no matter what.
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I want a boyfriend who would shout "I love you" to

3 faves · Oct 18, 2012 5:20pm






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