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This is Amanda todds story, They started calling her beautiful, stunning, cute Etc and then they asked her to flash...So she did...thinking it was nothing, a year went past, and some guy she did not know messaged her saying "give or show me or i will send ur boobs, she ignored it...Christmas break came, and a knock came on her door at 4am it was the police. The guy sent the picture 2 EVERYONE. Every one bullied her from only ONE mistake! she ended up switching schools,That person found her school,friends,address once again and sent them there too. she had no one..every one hated her..she ended up switching towns, Then at this new school, she meet this boy who she thought liked her, he didn't..he had a gf..One day she got a note saying you better leave, no one likes you. A group of boys and girls came around her inculding the guy she liked, the girlfriend and more..the girl said "Look around no one likes you/"One kid shouted "JUST PUNCH HER" so she did, amanada got badly beat, her dad found her in a ditch hours later....Shewent home and drank bleach, to try and kill her..it didn't work... they next day on her facebook page was writting "Go drink more bleach" "No one cares" "I hope she died" She tryed it again..didn't work..she failed but cudn't take it any more..at the end of the video she said "I#m amanda todd I just need someone."October 10th she hung her self...R.i.p gorgeous no one desurves that
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This is Amanda todds story, They started calling her beautiful,

10 faves · Oct 14, 2012 8:42am






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