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I'm not highly religeous, but i believe in having FAITH.
I'm not trying to be all One Direction, but 'words will be just words, till you bring them to life.'
I'm not popular, but i feel like i am when I'm with FRIENDS.
I'm not normal, but I'm not gonna change who i AM.
I'm not the ideal girl, but i enjoy being a TOMBOY.
I'm not really good at anything, but 'i try and try again.'
I'm not the only one who doesn't know they're beautiful, but we all ARE.
I'm not going to pretend to be someone else, I'm a crappy actress.
But most importantly, I'm not perfect' but I'm ME. And 'me' must be worth SOMETHING.
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I'm not highly religeous, but i believe in having FAITH.

3 faves · Oct 6, 2012 11:35pm






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