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If someone is crying, don't tell them they are overreacting.
I don't care how petty you make think their reason is. 
If they're crying over a tv show, don't tell them "it's just a tv show."
If they're crying over a song, don't tell them i"t's just a song."
If they're crying over a person, don't tell them i"t's just a crush."
If they're crying over a break-up, don't tell them "it's just one break-up."
If they're crying over a fictional character(s), don't tell them "it isn't real."
I don't care why they are crying, you have no right to tell them to suck it up and stop.
If they are in so much pain that they're truly crying from it, you need to understand that while you may not be able to understand why, they need to cry.
They need to let out those emotions
because keeping them bottled inside isn't healthy. 
They are hurting no matter what you may want to think.
Sure, there are much bigger problems in this world than a tv show ending or a fictional couple breaking up, but unless you are that person crying,
you can't say that those things don't matter.

You will never know how much that tv show or fictional couple meant to that person,
and you will never know why.
We all connect to things differently and we all cope differently.

Everyone in this world is at least a little selfish, and while we are all aware someone out there has it worse, that doesn't mean we can all just stop hurting
So stop telling us to.


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If someone is crying, don't tell them they are overreacting.

13 faves · Oct 6, 2012 9:13pm





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