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364 faves · 284 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




TheGirlWhoLived · 1 decade ago
As my RE/RS teacher said: "If you're atheist, that's fine. And if there is supposedly no God, us Christian have nothing to lose whereas If there is a God and the judgement day comes, we (Christians) will not be the ones suffering."
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HowtoHaley · 1 decade ago
Oh my God... That's so true..
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XxVasHappeninxX · 1 decade ago
I know were arguing, but i like that quote xD
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TheGirlWhoLived · 1 decade ago
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Raylean · 1 decade ago
Why did you have to make a quote about this? Are you trying to start a fight?
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HowtoHaley · 1 decade ago
I'm not hating. Listen, back then, God did miracles, and if you're talking about the talking snake from the Adam and Eve story,... well, that was satan trying to tempt Eve into eating the apple, so she could sin against God. Something like that.
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justdoyou · 1 decade ago
this isn't to go hate on the quote because i agree with it, even though i am christian. some of the stuff in the old testament doesn't really make sense. if people are against gay marriage, they shouldn't use the old testament to support their opinion because like this quote says, there are tons of crazy things in the old testament & a bunch of weird laws that no one follows anymore. the old testament isn't really supposed to be taken completely literally nowadays. i mean there are a ton of things in the old testament that are still really important but so many things have changed in the last 2000 years that it would practically be impossible to follow the rules in the bible. a lot of the things written in the first five books are illegal now. like owning slaves? obviously now we know that it's morally wrong but back then they had no clue. it was just how they lived. it seems obvious that in 2000 years everything would change and it has. so don't believe everything it says in the old testament & stop debating about it. honestly though? why do we have to even bring these religious debates onto witty? the last thing that witty needs is a huge argument. religion can't be proven, it's just people's beliefs, so there's no point in arguing in the first place
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bella5296 · 1 decade ago
the rules in the old testament were the ones that the people then had to follow because that was before Jesus came. Like, before Jesus's crucifiction, in order for someone to get forgiveness for their sins, they had to sacrifice animals. Then Jesus came and died on the cross for our sins, so all we have to do is ask forgiveness and He will forgive us.
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Awesome_Laura · 1 decade ago
The quote is only someones opinion. If you don't like it, just ignore it.
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toolegittoquit · 1 decade ago
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
This is why not having a religion and not believing in God is better. No discrimination. Atheism FTW?
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HowtoHaley · 1 decade ago
Not having a religion is better? I hope you're still saying that when you burn in the fire. No to sound harsh or anything...
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
You made my point for me. Thank you. That's why I think any religion that believes in Hell is immoral. You can believe that I go to Hell. But if you go to the Heaven you believe in then just remember all of the countless people burning in Hell for living their lives just like you did with maybe one or two different beliefs. That make you feel better?
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HowtoHaley · 1 decade ago
IF I do go to Heaven, I won't be thinking about the souls burning in hell. No one would. Because that would bring sadness, stuff like that. And in Heaven, thoughts, or actions of sadness, angriness, etc will not cross anyones minds. It says that in the Bible, or something like that. It does not make me feel better to think about that. Yes, there is a Heaven. Here's a question for you: Who made us? Now, don't say any crap like "a monkey did" or "the 'big man' did". But if 'the big man' did, who made him? I'm sure he didn't appear from thin air. I'm not sure why I'm agruing back, because it is pointless to argue with an atheist. But wait until God comes. I could be dead, you could, it's not gonna be a long time before he comes. Just wait... (I probably sound like some stupid, ignorant religious girl, but I'm a bit defensive when it comes to God. I'm not this type of person.I usually respect other religions, and other beliefs...but not atheism)
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
We don't know where we come from. Abiogenesis is them most valid Theory we have. Evolution is a Fact. So don't even try to say God did it. Evolution has been proven countless times over. God won't come back because he doesn't exist. It will never happen. The bible isn't factual. So using it in an argument won't work. No proof of heaven either. Gonna have to use real evidence to prove God.
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HowtoHaley · 1 decade ago
Oh my God. No. So thousands of years of evidence isn't enough evidence? So we don't know where we come from? Okay... Trying to use the Bible in an argument won't work?
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toolegittoquit · 1 decade ago
Tell people the world was created by an invisible figure in the sky and they will believe. Tell them there is wet paint and they will touch it just to make sure.
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Bloodymascara219 · 1 decade ago
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
What evidence? Prove to me that God is real. People saying that he is real doesn't make him real. Just like people saying unicorns exist won't make unicorns exist. We don't know where we come from. Using religion as a crutch for "Understanding" Isn't the way to find out though. And no using the bible won't work. It's just a book.
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HowtoHaley · 1 decade ago
You want me to prove he's real? I don't need to prove to you there's a God, because I already know there is one/ Lol! And your words came back to bite you. "People saying that he is real doesn't make him real" Yeah, well people saying he is fake doesnt' make him fake. I already know where I came from.
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Bloodymascara219 · 1 decade ago
So, just my opinion. If there are hundreds of other religions in the world, why do christians think theirs is the only true one? And if you go around telling everyone we were all magically created by an invisable man in the sky, I think you're going to have a bad time. In your previous answer, you told us that there's thousands of years of evidence, but then you refuse to point out even one factual piece? I'm afraid your answer(s) are invalid.
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
Actually in the bible it tells you to. So you're going against the bible by not proving Him to me. You're right saying it's fake doesn't make it fake but you have the belief so you have the burden of proof. If christians don't have proof then there's no reason to believe in God.
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HowtoHaley · 1 decade ago
If you're atheist, then why do you read, or know about the Bible?
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
Makes philosophy club in school a lot easier. I haven't read the bible completely. I wouldn't consider it to be a factual book. Plus I was raised a Christian.
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HowtoHaley · 1 decade ago
Oh. But if you were raised a Christian, then why did you become an atheist? Just curious..
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
Because I didn't agree with the evils that God did and that there wasn't any evidence.
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Bloodymascara219 · 1 decade ago
omg yes. I love you.
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toolegittoquit · 1 decade ago
I'm Atheist haha :)
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23no1mileyluva7 · 1 decade ago
@OreoLover okay, find that exact verse for me in the bible and then I'll believe you? go on. comment where to find it on my page. ♥
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23no1mileyluva7 · 1 decade ago
wow, you're rude and disrepectful.
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OreoLover · 1 decade ago
Oh, and there's also a bunch of other things that the bible states that I'm sure half of you fellow Christians wouldn't agree with. Like the fact that if you're , you're supposed to marry your rapist-.- Now tell me that's not messed up..
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago
Back then, if a woman got , her status as a human being immediately decreased, and she was basically DIRT and TRASH. A married woman, however, never was put in that status. So actually that marriage benefited the victim. And remind you, this was the Old Testament, in times over 2,000 years ago. Just keeping in mind:)
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toolegittoquit · 1 decade ago
I mean this with no disrespect, but the part about a man not being allowed to lay with another man is also in the Old Testament, Leviticus, I believe. However, there's TONS of crazy stuff in there that people do all the time. It says women can't speak in church and you can't shave your beard. So then, I feel like Christians pick a really vague verse that could mean anything in the New Testament and say it's about gays, when really, it could be about lots of stuff. I'm not trying to offend, I just REALLY don't understand the thought process.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago
Good point on bringing that up, but you see, "homosexuality" is mentioned numerous times in the New Testament also.I Corinthians 6:9; 10. And I understand your confusion, because the mind of a saved Christian is COMPLETELY different than a nonbeliever's. We believe what nonbelievers think is impossible, but if you read the Bible, then apply it to modern times, you see how much of the prophecies of the Bible have already come true. Yes, there are tons more other sins and verses to go with it, but the girl who posted this quote didn't post about that. She posted about homosexuality, and as me (as a Christian) I felt called to respond back to this. And don't worry ,nooo offense taken:)
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toolegittoquit · 1 decade ago
Okay but answer me this: If God is so loving and forgiving, why would he create people that are homosexual by nature then tell them they're wrong. I thought all God's creations are beautiful? So then why are they wrong. In all honestly, I feel things were added in the interpretation of the Bible. Christians are just looking for a way to make what they say about homosexuals okay. Love thy neighbor is a Commandment, but we're allowed to hate gays?
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago
First of all, homosexual by nature? Meaning, homosexuality is natural in human beings.. correct? "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for UNNATURAL ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion" (Romans 1:26-27). God clearly states that homosexual isn't natural. If you want to go real simple, that's why 2 women can't have a baby. And Of course not, God's creations are INDEED beautiful. Nature, animal, and man. But when sin entered this world, it turned everything grey and ugly. Shadows crossed, and the world was not perfect like in the garden of Eden. Of course, love thy neighbor. 10 Commandments, But what nonChristians, or even some "Christians" fail to understand is that God doesn't want us to hate ANYBODY. He just doesn't want us to DO the sin. He wants us to STOP committing sins. That is, after all, why God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross. And last of all, I know some people actually feel that other people add to the Bible because of the interpretations, however in God's law, NO ONE can add, subtract, or change the interpretation of the Bible (Deuteronomy 12:32,Proverbs 30:5-6, etc). God condemns the adding to his word, such as Mormonism. That's my argument to adding parts of the Bible.
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OreoLover · 1 decade ago
I'm Catholic but I support gays, I don't think there's anything wrong with it, really. If two people love eachother, then let them be. &Yeah, to some of you protesters, being gay might be against our religion, but also in the Christian Faith, we're tought to believe that God is loving and accepting to all. &Btw, I'm sure sparklemisty didn't mean anything harmful by this quote, she even stated it underneath the quote. So lets just move on with our lives already.
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horanswife · 1 decade ago
wow, hey guys, theres this new thing that's been actually around for a few years, it's called an opinion, maybe you should learn the meaning and respect it.
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insignificantx · 1 decade ago
no pun intended but thank the lord, somebody with common sense!
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myahkeller10 · 1 decade ago
im a total christen and i really dislike this quote -_- being straght forward.
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mollifers123 · 1 decade ago
me too
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Denisewitty · 1 decade ago
reallly good quote
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Bananabrains316 · 1 decade ago
People on witty are like so sensitive. Calm down, it's only a quote.
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whitleygirl17 · 1 decade ago
I'm a Baptist. Also from the south. I'm not against gays or anything, but their not supported where i live. I would never say the bible is wrong though. Again, no hate against gays. Its their life.
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Just_Keep_Swimming · 1 decade ago
Atheists unite...
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VivaciousNess · 1 decade ago
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Saphacier · 1 decade ago
Oh yes.
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ImSailingAway · 1 decade ago
Exactly what EdwardScissorhands said
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EdwardScissorhands · 1 decade ago
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Choc_em · 1 decade ago
Finally a sane comment :)
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justdoyou · 1 decade ago
thank you.
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ThatsSoMeee · 1 decade ago
you're so right, Vanessa :)
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TheGirlWhoLived · 1 decade ago
amen ^
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insignificantx · 1 decade ago
facepalm* somebody posts their opinion about something and BAM! WWIII breaks out..
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LittleBitMisplaced · 1 decade ago
Right?! Like this is so stupid. It's what she thinks.
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converse97 · 1 decade ago
I'm a Catholic and I support gays. Remember, the Bible also says that if you are , you must marry your rapist.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago
It doesn't matter if you're Christian and you support this. It is so wrong to say "I'm a Christian but I support gays so this automatically means it's right." Stop adding your "faith title" with what you believe in. If you are a true Christian, you'd believe everything in the Bible was true. If you're not a true Catholic, then your opinion as a Catholic and supporting gays doesn't really factor that much importance.
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converse97 · 1 decade ago
Well I'm saying that not all Catholics believe everything the Bible says. It was written thousands of years ago. Times have changed.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago
Of course, not all Catholics or Christians believe everything the Bible says. And I admit that. But that's where they go wrong. You see, faith isn't something , (well, true faith) that you can go "Oh hey, I go to mass every week, but I party with liquor every Friday night, but still, I go to Mass, I must be a good Christian, right?" (That was a weird analogy, my bad) but the point is, if Christians TRULY accepted Christ into their hearts, then they KNOW man cannot be correct. Man cannot say homosexuality is right, when God says it's wrong.
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converse97 · 1 decade ago
What we need to remember though is that God didn't write the Bible, people did. We should be moral and good people, but I don't think homosexuality is a sin. Like I said before, the Bible says that you should marry your rapist. I don't think God really wants that.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago
What you don't seem to understand is the fact that GOD spoke through the apostles and followers, like Paul. Of course we should be moral and good people. The Bible also says justice for the , justice for the robbed, justice for those murdered innocently. I think that's a great thing to have, frankly, and God realized that. God knew what he was doing in those olden times 2000 years ago, because, like I've said, if you were 10 centuries ago, you were denounced as a human being and discarded as DIRT. No one would marry a non-virgin, especially a victim. Also, the choice of a rapist marrying his victim WASN'T the ONLY choice. The father was left in control of this. The rapist had to suffer through major punishment. He could either get out of the way by paying 50 silver shekels, or marrying the victim. Sometimes, the victim actually WANTED to marry the rapist in fear of leaving desolate and penniless. Take Tamar and Ammon, a very clear example.
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converse97 · 1 decade ago
Well for me it's more like I'm not afraid to be friends with gay people because I don't think that they are bad, and they can do as they please because it's their life. However, I respect your opinion a lot because you seem to be really knowledgable on the subject(:
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago
Thank you, I attend Bible Study every week:). And no, oops, I don't meant to come off as "don't be friends with gays". We should support and love gays just like everyone else. But for Christians, just like our parents (hopefully) tell us to stop lying or cheating , we need to tell those people the love of God through repentance. Simple as that:)
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OreoLover · 1 decade ago
WTF?! That's so messed up ! lol, im a catholic too, and i never knet that. I support gay marriage too. Like really, if two people love eachother, then let them be.
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