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This gives me hope;

So this week is homecoming week at my school. Last Monday the homecoming court was announced. Homecoming king and queen is like a popularity contest at our school. 5 beautiful senior girls were picked and 5 senior boys were picked. But one of the guys pick was m.r (mentaly retarded).
I thought it was awesome that he made it into the homecoming court. So Wednesday we voted for king and queen. They announced the winners at an assembly Friday. He won.
When they announced him king the whole student body got up and started clapping and screaming. It gave me goose bumps! He got to stand in front of our whole school with one of the most beautiful seniors and was smiling from ear to ear.
This gives me pride in our school.


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This gives me hope; So this week is homecoming week at my school.

5 faves · 1 comments · Oct 2, 2012 9:00pm






GracefulBeauty · 1 decade ago
This is what happened at my school. It was honestly the greatest thing ever.
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