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Y did u go and do drugs?¿
y did u never give ur kids hugs?¿
y would u miss their birthdays?¿
y did u miss their life?¿
y would u go and get in jail?¿
y do u always call wen u want 2 bail?¿
y would u do it wen u new u'd get hooked?¿
y did u do that wen they looked and looked 4 u never new where u were?¿
y would u make ur kids suffer that they have no mom or dad?¿
y would u make everything good bad?¿
y did u have us 4give u over and over again?¿
y did u sleep with all different men?¿
y would u do that they don't no their dad?¿
and y would u do that wen u were all they ever had?¿
Ask as many questons as u can don't ever stop till u have enough answers 2 solve the problem.

Based on sumthin true idc if u like it and want 2 use it.
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Y did u go and do drugs?¿ y did u never give ur kids hugs?¿

1 faves · Dec 20, 2004 6:21pm






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