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I hate when pretty girls, call themselves ugly,

I hate when skinny girls call themselves fat,

I hate when smart people call themselves dumb,

I hate when people with almost perfect lives, complain about nothing

I hate when people insult themselves for compliments, when they already knew the truth, 

I hate how people make perfect people feel better, when others need it more. 


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I hate when pretty girls, call themselves ugly, I hate when skinny

51 faves · 4 comments · Oct 1, 2012 11:13pm






MyLifeAsATeenager · 1 decade ago
Honestly its just a quote. But, the people im talking about, you can tell that they are looking for complimenta. There is a difference between someone that is anorexic, and someone who is waiting for someone else to tell them what they want to hear. they knkw the truth because they have said it before, they just are waiting for someone else to agree
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ZombieSlayer · 1 decade ago
And how do you know that they know they 'truth'? You don't know how people see themselves. Someone could be breath takingly beautiful and think they were ugly, eating disorder skinny and think they're fat, freaking honour roll A+ and think they're stupid, and just because you only see they great parts of someone's life doesn't mean it's perfect, no one's life is perfect, they jut chose to not show you the rest.
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MyLifeAsATeenager · 1 decade ago
thats why i said, i hate when they insult themselves for compliments when they know the truth.
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ZombieSlayer · 1 decade ago
Have you ever thought that they really don't see themselves as pretty/smart/ksinny/ect
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