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The Man Who Cant Be Moved (a Niall Horan love story)
Chapter 26 (cont.): Murdurer Mahem
     Alyssa POV:  "niall!" i said. again, he didnt stop. "niall stop!" i yelled.  he stopped abruptly and said, "alyssa, hes way over there!" "niall, he has a gun!" i shrieked. niall stood up and pulled me up with him. thats when the man broke into a sprint. niall grabbed my hand and we ran the other way towards the car. soon, we could see the car, but the man was gaining on us. i was tired,  but i held onto nialls hand. suddenly, i tripped on something and tumbled to the ground. "niall!" i cried. he stopped and turned to me. "my ankle! i dont think i can move!"`i said and turned. the man was almost in shooting range. niall ran over and scooped me over his shoulder and ran for dear life back to the car. he quickly opened my door, placed me down, slammed the door close and hurried around to his side. i watched as the man run to the edge of the sand and onto the pavement of the parking lot. "niall, hurry!" i squeaked. he put the key in, started the engine, and drove at top speed out to the road. the man chased the car as long as he could until he got tired, slowed a bit, and raised his arm, ready to fire. we heard a loud shot and i turned in my seat a bit to see if the bullet hit anything; it didnt. luckily the man had been too tired to be able to aim correctly, and he hit a pole that we had just passed. only when we got back on the highway, did i breath out a breath i didnt know i was holding in and grabbed nialls hand. ïm sorry babe." he said. "alyssa, you know its not your fault." he said firmly. i smiled slightly, liking the sound of that, but frowned when i remembered that id tripped. "niall, we couldve gotten away quicker if i didnt trip!" i exclaimed. "alyssa, if i had stopped when you said it the first time, we wouldve gotten away quicker. maybe you wouldntve even tripped!" "but-" i said, but he interrupted. "alyssa, i was not going to leave you, he would have killed you. i wouldnt have been able to live with my self knowing that i didnt go back for you." he said as we pulled off the highway and onto his street. we pulled up to his house and got out holding hands while we made our way up to his room. i laid close to him. "nialler." i said. "hmm?" "you dont realize how scary it was until after it happens, you know?" he nodded and cuddled up to me, puting his head in the crook of my neck. "its okay. were okay." he whispered in my ear as he rubbed the front of my hand with his thumb. i sighed and closed me eyed. yes were okay, thank goodness. i thought. "night, niall." i whispered. "sweet dreams, princess." he replied and kissed the spot behind my ear. i closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep. i kept seeing the image, of the man with the gun, in my head. when i saw his face up close in my mind, i recognized those creepy black eyes. "niall!" i gasped, opening my eyes, my breathing getting faster and faster. niall, knowing something was wrong, pulled away to look in my eyes. ït was him."i said with tears running down my cheeks. he sat there for a minute and i could see him working out what i said in his head. he looked back up at me and i saw it click. he swore under his breath and pulled my head into his chest telling me "ill tell paul everything in the morning." i laid there thinking the man who attacked becca and i at the station had just come back for us. how did he know where we were? does he know where becca is? why is he coming after me? i sobbed into nialls shirt until i fell asleep with niall holding me tightly in his arms.
omggg! instenseness! sooo... the guy came back! :O alyssa wrote pretty much this whole chapter so i am very proud of her cause she was able to put some sort of cutee stuff(; i knoow alyssa typed the last part but she was being kinda slow while typing so i took over just to finish this chapter hahaha soo... feedback?<3 ~Becca(:
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The Man Who Cant Be Moved (a Niall Horan love story) Chapter

5 faves · Sep 30, 2012 12:31am






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