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Moments In Time

Chapter Eleven
Louis POV
Where is she?. It is almost 1 in the morning and Jazzy still isn’t back. I began pacing back and forth through the basement.
“For Gods sake Louis. Calm down! Knowing Jazzy she probably went back to Harry’s to hang out and fell asleep. Now, sit down you are making me paranoid and annoyed.”
“But-“ I started
“OH MY GOD LOUIS! SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!” She yelled obviously annoyed. Izzy fell asleep almost instently. As soon as I was pretty sure that she fell asleep I began pacing again. What if something happened? What if she was in trouble? I decided to go up and wait by the door for her. I went into the living room where a small blonde head was sitting on the couch.
“Lottie?” I asked and my little sister turned to look at me “Sweetheart what are you doing up? Its one in the morning”
“I had a bad dream and I couldn’t fall back asleep so I came down to watch tv” Lottie said paranoid about her surroundings. I took a deep breath and sat on the couch beside her. I pulled my 12 year old sister into my lap and began humming. I felt her breathing slow down and soon she was sleeping. I waited a few minutes before picking her up and bringing her up to her room and setting her down on her bed. I covered her with her blanket before walking back downstairs. I sat on the chair closest to the door and fell asleep.
Jazzy’s POV
I opened my heavy eyelids after falling asleep what I thought was only a few minutes ago. I looked at the closest clock and it read 3:30 AM. I rubbed my eyes and looked at it again hoping I read it wrong. Nope. It’s 3:30. Louis. Is . going. To . kill. Me.
“Harry, Harry, babe get up” I said gentally shaking his shoulder
“What is it?” He asked softly
“I have to go. It’s 3:30. I am so dead” His eyes snapped open
“Well that’s bad. Very, very bad.”
“I know. I have to go. Bye” I said kissing him quickly
“What are you going to do? Walk? No let me drive you” He said standing up
“Harry it’s fine! It’s a short walk”
“No, I’m driving” He grabbed his keys and we piled into his Range Rover. It was a short drive to the Tomlinson house but by the time we got there it was almost 4.
“Thank you Harry. Be safe getting home okay?” I said and he kissed me goodbye before I walked rather quickly up the path to the house. Please be asleep. Please be asleep. I quietly chanted to myself knowing Louis would be waiting for me. I opened the door as quiet as I could to make sure I didn’t wake anyone. I closed it silently behind me and began walking towards the basement when I heard a voice behind me.
“It’s about time you get home” A half asleep Louis said
“I’m so sorry Lou, I went to Harry’s after dinner where we put on a movie and I fell asleep! I am so, so sorry”
“I’ve been worried sick about you! Izzy is ready to kill me! I sat downstairs pacing for hours! I didn’t know what happened to you! I thought something bad happened to you!”
“Louis, I’m fine!” I said and walked up to hug my obviously upset best friend
“Just, please, call or something next time?”
“Of course” I said and we went off to bed. 
It’s been a 6 days since my date with Harry and a week since One Direction was formed. The boys would come over almost every day and they decided to take a trip up to Harry’s step fathers bungalow in the middle of nowhere to get to know eachother better and rehearse without the distractions of everyday life. Izzy and I were talking in the dump we created that Mommy Tommo called the basement when the boys all came down.
“Here we see two girls in their natural habitat. They are an interesting species called performers. Their special talents include singing, dancing and have the ability to charm their way through life” Louis said sounding like a tour guide from a zoo and the boys just laughed.
“What do you want Tommo?” I asked rolling my eyes
“Well the boys and I have something to ask you guys”
“What would that be?”
“Would you guys like to come to the bungalow with us? We think it would be great for us all to bond” Izzy and I looked at each other and it was the look she gave me said if you turn this down I will eat you in your sleep.
“Sure!” We said at the same time and the boys just laughed
“Get packing, we are leaving in a few hours” Liam said with a smile and they ran up the stairs. I’m about to spend the next week with my best friend, my boyfriend, and 3 guys I barely knew. This will be interesting.  
Authors Note- 
Sorry this chapter was so short and boring. i needed a filler chapter but the next dew chapters should be interesting considering they are going to the Bungalow. any Ideas for something to happen while they are there?
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Moments In Time Chapter Eleven Louis POV Where is she?. It is

21 faves · Sep 30, 2012 12:25am






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