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The Girl in the Cupboard
Chapter 20
Jake's POV

Flashing lights.
Screaming voices.
All I remebered was alot of pain.
And passing out.
I could tell I was in a hospital.
There was that smell.
And there were no happy sounds of laughing and fooling around. Just the rough chuckles of the sick, and forced giggles from the families and friends and nurses.
I felt them wheel me somewhere.
The air whizzed past me and hit my bare arms.
It was like I was conscious...but I wasn't.
I was aware of everything around me, but I couldn't open my eyes.
Was I dying?
Marianne's POV
The officer just knocked on the door as we all sprinted out the door.
She stared at us as though we were crazy until my dad screamed that we were heading to the hospital and could be explained later.
Once we got there, my mom charged in like an angry bull, "Where is my son?"
The nurses looked all taken aback before my mom said his name.
Suddenly, everyone had a different expression.
Most looked at us with sympathy.
Others with fear, as though they though we did that to him.
But a nurse still came up to us, telling us to sit in the waiting room and wait until he finished surgery.
She told us how he was found and an officer later joined us.
I knew they were avoiding something important though, because no one ever told us if he was or would be okay
After a few hours, a different nurse came to us.
I had been crying on Matthew's shoulder as he spoke in a hush voice to my dad and crying mother.
"Are you Jacob's family?" she said grimly.
"Yes," my father said, standing up, keeping a frim arm around my mother's waist.
I looked up from Matthew's shoulder as she spoke.
"Please come with me," the nurse gestured down the hall.
I didn't know what was there, but as Matthew held my hand, leading me down the hall behind our parents and the nurse, I could only form one thought?
Was he dead?

Oh oh!
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The Girl in the Cupboard Chapter 20 Jake's POV Flashing lights.

9 faves · 3 comments · Sep 28, 2012 4:44pm






cheeselover3 · 1 decade ago
awwwwww jake noo!!!!!! also notify plz!!! btw great stories too!
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justanotherlistener · 1 decade ago
please notify me!!
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cheezbunni540 · 1 decade ago
:O poor jake hope hes ok.. and plz notify :D
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