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30 Day Self-harm challenge.

1. How long have you been self harming? Discuss why you started.
2. What part of your body is most affected by it? 

3. What is your motivation to recover? 

4. Do you consider yourself “addicted”? why or why not? 

5. What part of self harm do you dislike the most? 

6. What about it do you enjoy?

7. list 10 activities that help you calm down.

8. What the most supportive thing anyone has said to you about self harm?
9. Have you ever taken pictures of your wounds? Discuss.

10. How do you feel about your scars?

11. Strangest place (school, park, etc) you’ve ever injured yourself?

12. Where do you keep your ‘tools’? (Your room, in a box, disposed of them?)
13. What is the biggest realization about self harm you’ve had?

14. Is there anyone you consider to be an inspiration in your recovery?
15. Do you visit any websites about self harm? If so, what are they?

16. What advice would you give to someone about self harm?

17. Do you know anyone else who injures themselves? 

18. Write a letter to the future (recovered) you.
19. List 3 reasons that recovery is worth it.

20. What is the most vivid memory you have of self harm.

21. Have you tried to stop in the past? What are you doing differently this time?
22. Where do you feel the most calm?
23. What is your favorite inspirational quote?

24. What are some of your main triggers? Why? 

25. Do you know any statistics about self harm?

26. What is something that makes you the most happy?

27. Discuss any and all progress you have made.

28. What short-term goals do you have?

29. Do you follow any self-harm blogs?

30. Post your favorite picture of yourself and write a positive message to look back on.


About a year, but it isnt very serious, cimpared to alot of others.. most of it is scratches and mentally.
It started when my best friend turned against me and took all my friends with her. It made me feel worthless, tired and depressed all the time and i would cry in the toilets... luckily, a few of ym friends knwo how bad she is, and they are back with me.. but i dont know who to trust.. and after my holiday next week.. i dont knwo if i can survive this living hell anymore.
My parents always argue, my dad always calls me fat. i get into trouble for things i never done.. i cant control my feelings, im a bad friend.. but im the best at fake smiles...
i hate me basically.
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30 Day Self-harm challenge. 1. How long have you been self harming?

2 faves · 1 comments · Sep 24, 2012 2:49pm






djquackquack · 1 decade ago
thats so sad i'l be by ur side
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