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i want to jump off a building. it sounds really fun. plus i wont have to bother with the pain of not succeeding, because it would be instant death as soon as my ugly face smashes into the pavement. but unfortunately i dont live near any tall buildings. i know, i just thought, i can climb to an electricity pylon, one that is metal and really tall, i can climb it and then i will make sure i place concrete at the bottom to smash my face in, and then even if i get killed on the way up, i would eventually die. i want to do this in the rain, when nobody would be there to try and change my mind. i love this idea. but i need to consider all other ways i can commit suicide first.
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i want to jump off a building. it sounds really fun. plus i wont

6 faves · 8 comments · Sep 24, 2012 11:52am





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booboo4 · 1 decade ago
i think that you spelt unfortunately wrong.
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Ashley1D · 1 decade ago
No need to jump off any buildings!!!! Sacrificing your life is not worth it!! Theres so much more to life than you think!!!!!!! Listen to all those people below vvv rethink this pleaseeeeee!!!!! Stay Strong!!!! <3 :)
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.joyriding.* · 1 decade ago
Or consider all the ways NOT to commit suicide. Keep yourself going, there is light at the end of the tunnel! Look at the people who bothered comment, on ALL your quotes like these. Comments like @fallingformhtelight from people show that they care, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to comment, right? So there, WE care about you, think of the person who will find you. A stranger? Someone you go to school with? What about your parents? They will feel like failures. And the kids you go to school with. One of them might think it was their own fault, they gave you a dirty look one day, and they take it upon themselves. Think of your funeral. I bet there would be a river of tears shed for you. More than a river even. I'm crying as I type this, I swear, even the thought of you doing this. You are truly one of my best witty friends, ever! Keep going strong!
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fallingfromthelight · 1 decade ago
I know exactly how you feel. But there are other ways to deal with your pain no matter what it is. I don't know you. I don't know what your going through. But I do know I've been ther.. Don't do anything you may think that everyone hates you but they really don't and there going to miss you. You think this is the only way right? Well it's not. You can get help. You can beet it you just have to fight. It's not going to be easy but it will be worth it just don't give up. Giving up is only letting your problem win..
Stay strong please. And if noones really going to miss you I WILL and I don't even know you. You seem like an amazing person don't give up on life just yet!!!
I mean what I say.
I'm always here if you need or want to talk even if it's just to vent xx
Stay strong girl you will be missed xxx
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Rosey99 · 1 decade ago
Oh my gosh! Stop! Don't jump off any buildings! If you think no one cares then you are truly mistaken! I don't even know what else to say, I just saw this and I really hope you're not being serious. Im sure you're a beautiful person.
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YourAllBeautifulNoMatterWhat · 1 decade ago
Well that escalated quickly.
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ThatShyGirl · 1 decade ago
for me, i like drowning or suffocation
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carlisius · 1 decade ago
Wait til u get cancer. U mite not c it, but u have at least one reason to live. And that's enough
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