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Words Left Unspoken
Chapter 21
Collin's POV

     I had just kissed Lauren and everything seemed okay, but she stared to shake and my stomach lunged. I started to whisper "Laur, Lauren baby, it's okay." And I pulled her into a frontwards position so she wouldnt choke. I felt tears slide down my warm cheeks as I held Lauren's jerking body. After about 5 minutes she stopped and I felt her breathing calm down. I flipped her back into the seat and looked into her eyes, "Collin.." She whispered and I nodded my head as she went on, "I want it to stop. Promise me it'll stop" I felt my heart stop, "I cant" I muttered, my voice cracking. And Lauren's eyes grew big and teared up, "Collin, promise I will be safe." I felt my tears fall faster, "I promise I'll keep you safe Lauren. I promise." And she threw herself into my arms, "I want it to stop." I cried with her for a long time until I finally found the will to drive to the pharmacy, to pick up Lauren's prescription. After that, home. To my home. I had told Lauren that I was kicked out because of Football, but that was only part of the story, my dad had noticed my grades dropping and told me quote on quote, "Son, you will stop seeing Lauren's dead body and study. Or you will move out and live for your own rules. I will not house a failure." It had broken my heart, and I moved out, I couldn't give up on Lauren, I was all she had left, no matter she had hated me or not. I kept going to school and such, and I improved my grades, knowing I would need the education. I visited Lauren everyday after school and talked to her, asking her for help with Math, like I had all those times at the library. She never actually talked back, but it was like I could hear her.. Everyday before I whispered, "I love you." hoping she would somehow hear me too.. I bought myself an apartment, it was a nice one too, it was right along the ocean, beautiful view, and cheap too. I was going along fine, except for.. Lauren, with out her around, everything was awful, and dull. It wasnt until one day when Nick and his girlfriend left together and I flashed back the memory, "She's perfect for you." It wsant until that day, I finally realized I needed her. I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel as my brain dazed in and out of the memories.. When I finally pulled into the driveway Lauren was asleep. This may sound odd, but when she acts silly, or when she's sleeping or even when she's seisuring, she is the most beautiful person I have ever met. I smiled at her and quietly opened the car door. I carried the boxes into the building, coming back frequently to check on Lauren. When I finally carried the last box in, I came back out for Lauren. I lifted her gently out of the car and silently closed the door. I walked up to the already opened door and carried her to a small room, setting her gently on the bed. I made sure she was on her side, so she wouldnt choke if she did happen to have a seisure. I left the door open just in case too. I walked into the kitchen and looked around. My Baskin Robins shirt was drapped over a chair, but other than that, the house was fairly clean. I enter the cooking area and started to make dinner, which consisted of Mac n" Cheese, which I knew was Lauren's favorite. I walked to the table and picked up her capsle of pills, which I had recently got from Walgreens. It said 2 a day, and the doctor told me she had had one this morning. I set them in the cabinent, next to the pills I had to take for my cuncussion, but they were almost out, and after I finished them, I didnt have to take more unless prescribed. I twisted the cap and shook two out into the palm of my hand. I took them silently and walk back over to the stove. Maybe 10 minutes later Lauren walked quietly into the kitchen, "Hey sleepy head." I said through a laugh and she smiled, "Yeah, I was tired alright.. even though.. I've been sleeping for 3 months.." She started to laugh and I smiled, "I missed your laugh." She blushed and sat down at the counter across from the stove, "Collin how was it..?" I frowned, "How was what?" She cleared her throat and asked again,
"Why did you wait for me?"

:(Anotha chapta???????????

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Words Left Unspoken Chapter 21 Collin's POV I had just kissed

4 faves · Sep 23, 2012 4:58pm






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