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So, today

I saw a quote about how stupid is that some people get obsessed over anime.

And then I thought: So many of you say that you shouldn't judge, that you never know what goes though someone's head and how you should never despise someone for what he/she likes.  
So many of you say that never tell someone what he/she loves it's stupid, because it might have played a big role in their life. That you shouldn't tell a girl she is obsessed with a band, because it might saved her life. That there is that one book that change the way that you think.
Most people will never realize it's just the same with anime.
I have a friend, who, be watching anime, was able to go through
all the hardships.
Some people might had their lives saved. Because of something you think it's stupid.
So come on, judge because of something I love. I hope you feel good with yourself.

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So, today I saw a quote about how stupid is that some people

4 faves · Sep 23, 2012 5:21am






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