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I've figured it out.
What power is. It's not money, or seniority, or even intelligence. It's a secret. If you have a secret that someone is ashamed of, you can blackmail them, make them do almost anything. With technology today, you can spread a secret around the world in hours, maybe even minutes. Think what you could do to a person. Torture. That's why I don't like secrets. I dread the moments when a friend says "can I talk to you in private?" because I know what they are about to tell me is important, and that it could be something really bothering them, that they have to tell before it eats away at them, and pushes them down untill they are broken. As soon as they tell me, BAM! It's out! I suddenly have this magical power over them. I could merciless joke around, make them dance and enjoy it. It's even worse when it's a big secret. Then it just starts doing the same to 
me as it was to them. Tearing me up into pieces. So I ask of you this, one simple teenie tiny request.
As soon as you give someone your secret they have a power over you remember. I'm not willing to hold that kind of power.
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I've figured it out. What power is. It's not money, or

3 faves · 1 comments · Sep 21, 2012 4:46pm






YouRockYouRule · 1 decade ago
While reading this I was singing "I got the power" in my head!(:
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