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Yesterday evening i went 2 my uncles land to practice shooting guns, usually i use a 22... but this time for the first time i tried a 20 gage. it was really heavy and big and i could barely see through it so i put my head closer to the scope. 1 -2 -3 BOOM! i schoot. the gun flings back and hit my in the face and i fall off my  chair and im layying in the floor laughing and crying. thinking everythings ok and theres just a little bump. i get up almost falling again and my sisters like " OMG it went in your head" and im like "what?" i feel something wet dripping down my face in the corner of my eye i see blood dripping down and i start crying even more. it was gushing for a good 20 minutes then it started slowing down. but it bleed the whole entire night. i was scared, i didnt no what was happening, i was loosing my balance, loosing blood. i thought i was going to be ok. i shot the 22 after that bc i really wanted to shoot more before i went home. at home i looked at it after we cleaned it up wich it hurt like hell. and it was a little less than an inch long and it was acually pretty wide, and it was really deep. my mom said taht i might need stiches so i called my friend up and started cryying cuz i was so scared. today it isnt a scabb its ... still wet but alittle dry..... my mind is going crazy, my head hurts sooooo bad, and worse thing, my hands and arms are numb. but i still did my homework and went to school. when i go home my mom will check it again to see what we need to do to it, please pray with me that i dont need stiches, or surgery bc of my blood loss. i can barely walk right:(
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Yesterday evening i went 2 my uncles land to practice shooting

5 faves · Sep 21, 2012 11:41am






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