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Tell Me A Lie
~Chapter 17~
"Why are you even watching this?" Dylan asks, sitting down shirtless beside me. He annoys me most of the time. I roll my eyes. "It's not like they're coming back for you or anything, damn, it doesn't even look like they miss you," He chuckles, pointing at a One Direction performance on the TV screen. He's like that lately, once we're done hooking up, he's just mean. "I mean, I think I just saw Niall wink at that girl," He smirks. "Would you just shut up?" I burst, finally annoyed enough to snap. ""Oh, feisty," Dylan winks one of his blue eyes at me. He leans in close and bites my lip, instantly, both of us are turned on. "You're an a/ss," I breathe, he doesn't respond, but lies on top of me as we start to kiss more. And once again, he's diverted my attention from the five best boys I've ever met and brought it all back to him, a total jerk.
I wake up the next morning to a big crash in the kitchen. Instantly, my heart starts to race, I hope it's Niall. I run into the kitchen, realizing that one, Dylan is gone, like always, and two, my dad has spilled the milk all over the kitchen floor. "Oh, dad, you needa be more careful," I laugh, throwing a towel down. He smiles, "I know, but now that you're up, I want to tell you I downloaded something on your computer, it's called Skype," He starts to explain it but I interupt him. "I know what it is," I laugh. "Well, I though maybe you'd want to talk to the guys," He smiles. My smile fades. "They're busy," I whisper, what I really want to say is They're too busy for me. But I know that's not fair. "I'll try it," I smile again, this time it's fake.
However, later that night, I do text Niall asking for him to Skype me. And luckily, he's not busy and he does. "How've you been?" I ask, biting the edge of my thumb. "Stop that," He points through the screen. "Stop what?" I laugh. "You're biting your nail, you do that when you're nervous. I don't want to make you nervous." He smiles, a certain, I still know you better than anyone else in the world look, look in his eyes. "Right," I mumble, taking my hand and sitting on it. "Well, busy, we've been busy." He answers my question. "What about you?" He asks. I think about explaining Dylan. But I don't. "Well, you know, same old England," I laugh. "Know what's funny?" He asks seriously. "What?" I ask. "I barely have any free time to think, but I'm always thinking about you. And my God, I really really miss you." He says seriously, like it's not funny at all.
"Niall, I-" I'm interupted by a voice I would rather not hear. "Babe, I was thinking maybe we could go all the way tonight?" Dylan's voice asks. His body enters the view of the lense. I look up just in time to see a hurt Niall.
Then a black screen.
Niall disconnected with me.

"You did that on purpose!" I scream a few minutes later. "Who cares? You're mine, not his," He shrugs. "If I'm yours, then why can't you even tell me that you love me?" I scream so loud it hurts my own ears. "Because I don't? I only love what we do," He smirks. Tears sting my eyes. "Is that true?" I ask. "Awh, baby don't cry. You know that kinda turns me on," He says smugly, trying to kiss me. "No, stop!" I scream, pushing him away. When he's far enough away, I smack him as hard as I can. What I don't expect is the anger hat shows on his face. Or the smashing blow he throws to my face right before storming out of the house. Or the pain it stirred inside me. Not just the burning in my cheek, but the sick feeling I get in the pit of my stomach. I run up to the bathroom and do the only thing I can think of.
I jab my finger down my throat and try to vomit out all my feelings.

* * * * *
Taylor's relapsing - making herself throw up, possibly going back to her eating disorder.. Niall wants nothing to do with her and Taylor wants nothing to do with Dylan.. What will happen next? Tell me what ya think!

Next Quote >

Tell Me A Lie ~Chapter 17~ "Why are you even watching this?"

24 faves · 7 comments · Sep 20, 2012 8:17pm






kto_123 · 1 decade ago
thumbs up 0 thumbs down reply

wittywriter2 · 1 decade ago
Please notify me. This is really good.
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kto_123 · 1 decade ago
thanks girls, probably a couple more chapters, not sure yet<3
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addieisohsosw33t · 1 decade ago
OHHH MYYY GODDDD!!!!! That was crazyy! haha i love this story,m you're doing a really great job with it(:
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oneDIRECTIONinfectionxox1 · 1 decade ago
omfg make niall come back dat dylan guy is just a jurk >:[ please continue!
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Ellmo · 1 decade ago
Please continue with this story!! It's too good to let go(: xxx
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Ashley1D · 1 decade ago
Still... TEAMNIALL!!!! Lol :)
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