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py my heart
chapter 3: part 2

“Hey, where have you been?” Jasey asked as I approached her.
“Luke just kissed me,” I responded.
“I knew it!” she practically screamed.  “There was no way you would have been able to resist him! He is just too – too perfect!”
“I didn’t like it! He forced it on me!”
Just then Belle walked over.  She took one look at my face and knew something was up.  “What happened?”
Before I could respond, Jasey answered for me.  “Luke kissed Ava and now she is in love with him!”
“I am not in love with him!” I shouted.  “I don’t even like him as a person any more.  I ask him about where he came from and next thing I know his mouth is attacking me!”
“Attacking you?” Belle and Jasey said at the same time.
“Okay so he didn’t exactly attack me, but I didn’t want him to kiss me.  That was the last thing I wanted.  I don’t want a boyfriend right now.  I don’t need a boyfriend right now.”
They both looked very unconvinced.  However, I knew what would.  “Mason.”  Their eyes widened with shock.  That got their attention.
“Okay so maybe I see your point there,” Jasey said, Belle nodding in agreement.  Finally, they understood.
“Well I’m going back to the room and crawling into bed. If anyone needs me – on second thought, don’t need me.”
When I got back to my room I had a text waiting.  Sorry.  It was from Luke.  Seriously?  The guys forced a kiss on me and all he can do is shoot me text saying sorry.  Wow.  Either this was a total dirt bag and a very socially awkward turtle.  Doesn’t matter which one he is because I want nothing to him.
I scrubbed my face down and braided my hair to the side.  I kept staring at me lips in the mirror, remembering that less than an hour ago they had been kissing someone else’s.  Or their lips had been kissing mine.  Next thing I know I’m remembering my last kiss before even that.  The name that shut Jasey and Belle up earlier. The boy that promised me everything.  That said, “I’m here with you through thick and thin.”  Mason.

AN: I have a couple of questions for you guys.
1) What do you think will happen with Luke and Ava?
2) Who is your favorite character?
3) Do you think that Ava has any secrets? If so, what are they?

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spy my heart chapter 3: part 2 “Hey, where have you been?”

2 faves · Sep 19, 2012 9:13pm






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