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py my heart
chapter 1: part 1
Beep! Beep!
My eyes fluttered open. I lay in bed for a few more minutes, trying to comprehend what day it was. After a few minutes, I realized it was August 23, my last day of summer vacation.
Thank God! I thought to myself. Alleluia!
I hated summer. Those ten months of school and learning were heaven to me. During the summer I never got to see any of my friends. Sure I hung out with a lot of people and went to lots of parties with people in my neighborhood. The parties were okay and the people were nice, but for me it was all boring. I don't want you to think that I'm snob because I go to a private school and am bored around people in my neighborhood. But the truth is that I just don't really fit in at home. Most teens can't wait for summer vacation, because of all the parties and places to go. However, I prefer to be at my school, ACE, with my friends.
"Ava," my mom called from downstairs. "Your flight leaves in two hours! We have to leave in ten minutes."
I quickly got up and got dressed. I was wearing dark skinny jeans, a black cardigan, and black striped toms. Well, knock-off toms. I went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair. One of my nicknames was "Golden Girl", one, because I was a genius, and two, because my hair was gold. It extended about half way down my back in wavy layers. I applied a little mascara to my blue-green eyes and headed downstairs. I grabbed my carry on bag and cell phone. My mom was already waiting in the car, with it running. I locked the door behind me and checked the back of the car to make sure all by bags were there. All six bags were there. I climbed into the passenger seat.
"You have everything, Ava?" my mom asked.
"Yep, I triple checked," I replied.
"All right, let's go."
I sat on the plane staring at my laptop screen. I was working on a new design.  I enjoyed using words to create images in Photoshop.  I had even sold a few of my designs.  I had pretty awesome career and future ahead me. I wanted to be an advertising executive. I just wished I had someone to talk to about it at home. My mom had too much on her plate to deal with it. She was always working because she was the sole provider for us, ever since my dad died. He died when I was just a few months old. I have no idea what he looks like because every picture mom had of him burned in a house fire.
All of this was why my mom allowed me to go to boarding school. Mom loved me, but she had to work too many jobs to support us, so she wasn't home much. That always worried her. She knew I was a good kid, but she always seemed to worry about my safety. So when ACE approached us with a full scholarship, we accepted.
"The captain has turned on the seatbelt sign. Please return to your seats and prepare for landing," a voice said over the intercom.
I packed up my laptop and put my back under the seat in front of me. After we landed, I headed to baggage claim. There I met up with Carl, a security guard from my school, and my ride to there. He grabbed my bags and put them in the back of the limo and I climbed in the back.
"Hey, hey!" a voice greeted me from the inside. "Welcome to D.C."
"Jasey, hey!" I said excitedly. Jasey was one of my best friends. She was also one of my roommates at school, along with our other friend, Annabelle, who we just call Belle.
Jasey hugged me and I settled into my seat.
"How was your summer?" she asked.
I shrugged. "It was okay. I'll helped my mom around the house. I hung out with a few people, but I get really bored with them. So how your summer?"
"Um, you know, it was boring. Nothing really happened."
"Jasey, you and I both know that is not true," I told her. My friends were always trying to protect me from certain things, like that fact that they had a lot more than me. They understood my situation and didn't want to rub it in my face, but the truth was, I was used to it. I didn't mind hearing about their fabulous lives outside of school. To be honest, it was really interesting to hear about all the places they go.
"Okay, so I went to Paris," Jasey admitted.
"Now was that so hard."

AN: hey guys! Please give feed back adn let me know what you think!
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spy my heart chapter 1: part 1 Beep! Beep! My eyes fluttered

3 faves · 1 comments · Sep 18, 2012 11:21pm






lulumaybexo · 1 decade ago
omg this is really good! write more, like now hahaha
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