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Just shut up, okay?
I'm allowed to dislike somebody who hurt me. I'm allowed to say what I want, laugh how I want, do what I want, & be who I want. This is MY life, and if you dont like it..then theres something wrong with yours, not mine.

*Just found this. Exactly how I feel right now. Stop trying to control me
and act like you know whats right for me. You were a fake friend all along. You
told me lies. You said I could trust you, & in the end were not even friends. Stop telling
me what I can and cant do. If you dont wanna deal with me, & think ive changed..then fine.
I dont care anymore. Im better off without backstabbers anyway.

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Just shut up, okay? I'm allowed to dislike somebody who hurt

3 faves · Sep 10, 2012 6:02pm






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